
Call for Applications – Spotlight Canada: The Pitch

**French follows**

The Trade Commissioner Service at the High Commission of Canada in the United Kingdom is accepting proposals from independent performers, performance collectives and companies from across Canada to be considered to pitch at Spotlight Canada: The Pitch.

Canada @ Edinburgh

*New* Call for applications for an opportunity to pitch online at Spotlight Canada: The Pitch 2021 for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Read more below.

Canadian Art Shines in Edinburgh

In 2021, the High Commission of Canada is once again providing opportunities for Canadian arts to receive international exposure and market development support during the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

Edinburgh Fringe is the world’s largest arts festival, and represents a tremendous opportunity for Canadian performers and shows to gain global recognition, as well as to secure opportunities for international touring and creative partnerships.

With this year’s Fringe moved largely online, the High Commission of Canada, alongside partners Canadian Heritage and Canada Council for the Arts, is providing a platform for 8 to 12 Canadian artists and companies to pitch their tour-ready work to an audience of international producers, artistic directors, festival curators, presenters, programmers, and artists.

The aim of Spotlight Canada: The Pitch is to introduce international presenters to a curated selection of performance-based projects from Canada; these tour-ready shows can be classified as theatre, dance, performance, live art or circus, and designed for live, digital or hybrid stages. Objectives of the program include: developing new global partnerships, securing international project support, international representation, touring opportunities, performance engagements, international exposure, and premieres.

Spotlight Canada: The Pitch will take place online on Monday, August 23rd, 2021, and will feature five-minute documentary-style videos on each of the selected projects as well as a live Q&A with the artists and a moderator. Selected companies will receive a financial contribution of CAD $2,500 for their preparation and time. Coaching will be provided for pitch preparation. Selected artists should be prepared to attend at least five 1-hour meetings including coaching, filming, and rehearsals between July 12th and August 20th.


Things to know before applying:

  • Applications are due June 30th, 2021 at 11:59pm PST;
  • Artists will be notified no later than July 10th, 2021;
  • No more than two (2) people will be conducting the pitch and one (1) person must be an artistic lead for the project;
  • Applications must be from professional organizations that are registered companies and/or registered not-for-profit organizations in Canada. Individual artists or non-registered companies may partner to have an organization apply on their behalf;
  • Projects must have premiered either within the last four years or must be set to premiere in the next 18 months;
  • Works may be designed for live/physical performance, created for digital or hybrid in form;
  • All participants must take part in approximately five 1-hour meetings including coaching, filming, and rehearsals between July 12th and August 20th. There will be a mandatory run-through on August 19th.
  • All coaching, filming and live-event conversation will take place in English. (Access support can be made available.)
  • All Pitch-specific filming and editing services will be provided.


What should you include in your submission?

Application Requirements (Mandatory):
In order to be considered for a pitching slot, all applicants must provide the following required information:

  • Contact information of the lead applicant and/or representing agent/company, if applicable;
  • Company/organization name, address and registration number;
  • Names and emails of no more than two people who will be conducting the pitch;
  • Description of your company (400 words max) including brief history, artistic statement, performance and touring highlights;
  • Description of your proposed work (400 words max) including premiere date and touring history;
  • Description of the touring potential of the work (300 words max) based on your company’s history and ability to operate international contexts (e.g. domestic and international touring, domestic and international co-productions, residencies or showcases in Canada and abroad, etc.);
  • Objective of participation (200 words max) stating goals and desired outcomes for this opportunity (i.e. develop global partnerships, international representation, touring opportunities, performance engagements etc.);
  • Basic Technical Requirements including minimum stage size, size of touring company, freight needs, any additional unique requirements;
  • Documentation of the proposed project (no longer than 5-minute extracts or trailers) or up to two links/attachments of previous work (no longer than 5-minute extracts);
  • Include two professional references who can advocate for your work with contact information;
  • Any access requirements for you or your team (e.g. support workers, ASL interpreters, or other provision which is required to make participation accessible for you. We welcome access documents);

Please ensure that your project meets the following criteria and that these criteria are clearly addressed in your application:

  • The project is in development or complete, and will be premiered in the next 18 months, or the project has recently premiered (in the last four years);
  • The project represents high-quality work that is tour-ready;
  • The project already has some support in place (financial, commissioning, producing, in-kind support).

The proposals will be assessed in a comparative context by a selection panel based on the following criteria:

  • The artistic merit of the proposed work;
  • The potential of the project to develop your international profile and generate future opportunities for you and the artists involved;
  • The capacity of the candidate to operate in international market contexts;
  • The representation of the diversity of artistic voices from across Canada, including those of:

i. Indigenous artists;
ii. d/Deaf artists;
iii. artists with disabilities;
iv. racialized artists;
v. LGBTQ2;
vi. equity-deserving artists.

  • Priority will be given to thought-provoking works that are pushing forms forward, and/or address contemporary social or global issues.

Application Process:

  • Please submit your application here by June 30, 2021 at 11:59pm PST.
  • Please note that you will need to upload your entire application at one time and will not be able to save a work in progress.

(If the link above does not work, copy and paste this into your web browser https://airtable.com/shr4nQspUo4Zguzee )

Should you have any questions about the application process, need any support in submitting your application, or need to submit in another language or by video if speaking ASL, please contact allison.goodings@international.gc.ca and dani@fascinatormanagement.com.


Allison Goodings – High Commission of Canada in the United Kingdom – allison.goodings@international.gc.ca

Dani Fecko – Fascinator Management – dani@fascinatormanagement.com



Le Haut-commissariat du Canada au Royaume-Uni accepte les propositions d’artistes indépendants, de collectifs de performance et de compagnies de partout au Canada pour qu’ils soient considérés pour faire un pitch durant l’événement Canada en vedette: Session pitch.

Le Canada @ Édimbourg


*Nouveauté* Appel de candidatures pour une opportunité de présenter un pitch en ligne durant l’événement Canada en Vedette: Session Pitch dans le cadre du Festival Fringe d’Édimbourg. Lire la suite ci-dessous.


L’art canadien rayonne à Édimbourg


En 2021, le Haut-commissariat du Canada au Royaume-Uni offrira une fois de plus aux artistes canadiens la possibilité de bénéficier d’une exposition internationale et d’un soutien en développement de marché pendant le Festival Fringe d’Édimbourg.

Le Festival Fringe d’Édimbourg est le plus grand festival artistique au monde et représente une formidable opportunité pour les artistes et les spectacles canadiens d’obtenir une reconnaissance mondiale, ainsi que d’obtenir des opportunités de tournées internationales et de partenariats créatifs. Avec le format en grande partie en ligne, le Haut-commissariat du Canada au Royaume-Uni, en collaboration avec ses partenaires, Patrimoine canadien et le Conseil des arts du Canada, offre une plateforme à 8 à 12 artistes et compagnies canadiennes afin de présenter leurs œuvres prêtes à la tournée à un public de producteurs, directeurs artistiques, commissaires de festivals, diffuseurs, programmateurs et artistes internationaux.

L’objectif de l’événement Canada en vedette: Session pitch est de présenter aux diffuseurs internationaux une sélection de projets de performance du Canada; ces spectacles prêts pour la tournée peuvent être classés en théâtre, danse, performance, art en direct ou cirque, et conçus pour des scènes en direct, numériques ou hybrides. Les objectifs du programme comprennent : le développement de nouveaux partenariats mondiaux, l’obtention d’un soutien aux projets internationaux, la représentation internationale, les opportunités de tournée, les engagements de performance, l’exposition internationale et les premières.

Canada en vedette: Session pitch aura lieu en ligne le lundi 23 août 2021 et inclura des vidéos de cinq minutes de style documentaire pour chacun des projets sélectionnés, ainsi qu’une séance de questions-réponses en direct avec les artistes et un modérateur. Les compagnies sélectionnées recevront une contribution financière de 2500 $ CAD pour leur préparation et leur temps. Du coaching sera fourni pour la préparation du pitch. Les artistes sélectionnés doivent être prêts à assister à au moins cinq réunions d’une heure comprenant l’encadrement, le tournage et les répétitions entre le 12 juillet et le 20 août.


À savoir avant de postuler:

  • Les candidatures doivent être envoyées avant le 30 juin 2021, 23 h 59 HAP;
  • Les artistes seront informés au plus tard le 10 juillet 2021;
  • Un maximum de deux (2) personnes peuvent présenter votre pitch et une (1) personne doit être le/la responsable artistique du projet;
  • Les demandes doivent provenir d’organisations professionnelles qui sont des entreprises enregistrées et/ou des organisations à but non lucratif enregistrées au Canada. Des artistes individuels ou des entreprises non enregistrées peuvent s’associer pour qu’un organisme présente une demande en leur nom;
  • Les projets doivent avoir été créés au cours des quatre dernières années ou doivent être programmés pour une première dans les 18 prochains mois;
  • Les œuvres peuvent être conçues pour le format en direct, numérique ou hybride;
  • Tous les participants doivent prendre part à environ cinq réunions d’une heure comprenant du coaching, le tournage et les répétitions entre le 12 juillet et le 20 août. Il y aura une pratique obligatoire le 19 août.
  • Tous les services de coaching, de tournage et les conversations en direct se dérouleront en anglais. (Un soutien d’accessibilité peut être fourni).
  • Tous les services de tournage et de montage spécifiques au pitch seront fournis.

Que devez-vous inclure dans votre soumission?

Exigences d’application (obligatoires):

Afin d’être pris en considération pour un pitch, tous les candidats doivent fournir les informations suivantes:

  • Coordonnées du demandeur principal et/ou de l’agent/de l’entreprise représentante, le cas échéant;
  • Nom, adresse et numéro d’enregistrement de l’entreprise/de l’organisation;
  • Noms et courriels d’un maximum de deux personnes qui livreront le pitch;
  • Description de votre compagnie (400 mots maximum) comprenant un bref historique, une déclaration artistique, des performances et un bref historique de tournée;
  • Description de l’œuvre que vous proposez (400 mots maximum), y compris la date de la première et l’historique de tournée;
  • Description du potentiel de tournée de l’œuvre (300 mots maximum) en fonction de l’expérience de votre compagnie et de sa capacité à opérer dans des contextes internationaux

(ex. tournées nationales et internationales, coproductions nationales et internationales, résidences ou vitrines au Canada et à l’étranger, etc.);

  • Objectif de participation (200 mots maximum) indiquant les objectifs et les résultats souhaités pour cette opportunité (c’est-à-dire développer des partenariats mondiaux, une représentation internationale, des opportunités de tournée, des engagements de performance, etc.);
  • Exigences techniques de base, y compris la taille minimale de la scène, la taille de la compagnie de tournée, les besoins de fret, toute exigence unique supplémentaire;
  • Documentation du projet proposé (extraits ou bandes-annonces de 5 minutes maximum) ou jusqu’à deux liens/pièces jointes de travaux antérieurs (extraits de 5 minutes maximum);
  • Incluez deux références professionnelles qui connaissent votre pratique artistique avec leurs coordonnées;
  • Tous besoins d’accessibilité pour vous ou votre équipe (par exemple, les travailleurs de soutien, les interprètes ASL ou toute autre disposition requise pour rendre votre participation accessible. Nous acceptons les documents accessibles);

Veuillez vous assurer que votre projet répond aux critères suivants et que ces critères sont clairement abordés dans votre candidature:

  • Le projet est en cours de développement ou terminé, et sera présenté en première dans les 18 prochains mois, ou le projet a récemment été créé (au cours des quatre dernières années);
  • Le projet représente un travail de haute qualité prêt pour la tournée;
  • Le projet dispose déjà d’un certain soutien (financier, mise en service, production, soutien en nature).

Les propositions seront évaluées dans un contexte comparatif par un jury sur la base des critères suivants:

  • La valeur artistique de l’œuvre proposée;
  • Le potentiel du projet pour développer votre profil international et générer des opportunités futures pour vous et les artistes impliqués;
  • La capacité du candidat à opérer dans des contextes de marchés internationaux;
  • La représentation de la diversité des voix artistiques de partout au Canada, y compris celles de:

i. artistes autochtones;

ii. artistes sourds;

iii.artistes handicapés;

iv. artistes racialisés;

v. LGBTQ2;

vi. artistes dignes d’équité.

  • La priorité sera donnée aux œuvres qui suscitent la réflexion et font avancer leur forme d’art et/ou abordent des problèmes sociaux ou mondiaux contemporains.

Processus de demande:

  • Veuillez soumettre votre candidature ici avant le 30 juin 2021, 23 h 59 HAP.
  • Veuillez noter que vous devrez soumettre l’intégralité de votre demande en une seule fois et que vous ne pourrez pas enregistrer un travail en cours.

(Si le lien ci-dessus ne fonctionne pas, copiez et collez-le dans votre navigateur Web https://airtable.com/shr450PGs3Vrt813U)

Si vous avez des questions sur le processus de candidature, avez besoin d’aide pour soumettre votre candidature, ou devez soumettre votre candidature dans une autre langue ou par vidéo si vous parlez ASL ou LSQ, veuillez contacter allison.goodings@international.gc.ca et dani@fascinatormanagement.com.

Allison Goodings – Haut-commissariat du Canada au Royaume-Uni – allison.goodings@international.gc.ca

Dani Fecko – Fascinator Management – dani@fascinatormanagement.com

Call for Applications: Folk Music Ontario Board of Directors

Deadline: 11:59PM ET, Friday, July 16th, 2021

Online Nomination Form

What to Expect if You’re Elected

Folk Music Ontario (FMO) is now seeking individuals to stand as candidates in the 2021 election of its Board of Directors. Directors will be elected by electronic ballot (or acclaimed) ahead of this year’s Annual General Meeting (September 23, 2021) with terms concluding with the 2024 AGM. For 2021, FMO is looking to fill six board positions through this process.

Continued folk organization amalgamation discussions and complications caused by the COVID-19 pandemic present a challenging yet exciting time in the history of FMO. We require a dedicated board to support staff in guiding the organization forward as we continue to support the growth and development of the folk music community and industry.

Discussions have been ongoing regarding the potential merger of Folk Music Ontario and Folk Music Canada, becoming one national body representing the folk music community. It is expected that the 2021 Board of Directors will play an important role in the ongoing discussion and potential creation of a new, national organization.

Nominees are required to read our What to Expect If You’re Elected document to better understand the responsibilities of board members.

It is preferred that people use the Online Nomination Form, especially during the current COVID-19 pandemic, but if an alternative is required, please contact fmonominations@gmail.com.

Please submit nomination forms by 11:59PM ET on Friday, July 16th. We thank all our members for their continued support of the organization, and hope some of you will step forward to help guide FMO into the future.

If you have any additional questions or wish to further discuss your interest in running, please contact Max Merrifield (FMO Nominations Committee Chair) at fmonominations@gmail.com.

Folk Music Ontario invites self-nominations from all qualified individuals. We welcome submissions from women, people with disabilities, people of colour, Indigenous peoples, and those of any sexual orientation or gender identity.

We welcome submissions from individuals residing outside of Ontario. FMO aims to reduce financial barriers to participating in Board activities. If the purchase of an FMO membership is prohibitive to you, feel free to contact FMO and inquire about accommodations.


Folk Music Ontario

330-176 Gloucester Street

Ottawa, ON K2P 0A6

613-560-5997 / 1-866-292-6233


Call for artists: Boîte Blanche et + | Galerie Sans Nom

The call is launchedWhite Box Residencies is a mini-residencies program open to all artists and collectives currently located in New Brunswick! The GSN will invite two to three artists (or collectives) between September 2021 and Summer 2022. We offer our white-box gallery, our tools and a stipend to research, create and play in our space for one or two weeks. We can also help with travel and lodging if you’re coming from outside the Greater Moncton Area. You do your thing and all we ask is a small public presentation that can take any form.

Please submit this form by July 13th at 11:59 PM (ADT). For questions get in touch with Annie at direction@galeriesansnom.org

Results will be released to all applicants by email by August 1st.


L’appel est lancé : Boîte Blanche est un programme de mini-résidences ouvert aux artistes et collectifs qui résident actuellement au Nouveau-Brunswick. La GSN invitera deux à trois artistes (ou collectifs) dans ses espaces entre septembre 2021 et l’été 2022. Nous vous offrons notre espace principal, nos équipements et une bourse de création pour une période de une à deux semaines. Vous créez et explorez sans qu’on vous demande de résultats. Nous pouvons vous aider à défrayer les coûts de déplacement si vous êtes à l’extérieur du Grand Moncton. Une composante publique est requise et sa forme est négociable.

SVP nous envoyer ce formulaire par le
13 juillet à 23h59 (HAA). Pour toute question veuillez joindre Annie à direction@galeriesansnom.org

Les résultats seront envoyés à toustes par courriel par le 1er août.

More info about the GSN

Early Bird Registration – Virtual Grant Writing Workshops by People First Fundraising Solutions


Early Bird Registration is now open for our newly announced Two-Day Virtual Grant Writing Workshops in July, August & September

This two-day interactive virtual workshop will acquaint participants with the process of researching, identifying and cultivating relationships with grant-making sources including government agencies, foundations and corporations. Building a rapport with the “point people” from granting agencies and understanding the motivations of decision-makers are crucial subjects that will be covered in this presentation.

Among the key take-aways of this session, participants will also learn how to construct a compelling grant proposal template that may be used for multiple granting applications. Most importantly, participants will experience a greater sense of confidence and become firmly acquainted with methods to procure the funds and resources that will enable their respective organizations to make progress towards achieving their missions.

Register here:

July 22nd/23rd, 2021

August 4th/5th, 2021

August 18th/19th, 2021

September 8th/9th, 2021

September 20th/21st, 2021

People First Fundraising Solutions, 1000 Upper Paradise Road, Unit 27, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

The Summer First Chapters Contest is here and awarding $3,500 and publication! | The Voyage Journal

The Voyage Journal

Bring on your first chapters! We’re back with another YA first chapters contest for the summer 2021 season! It’s no secret that one of the most difficult challenges in writing a book is getting that first chapter right—and we’re asking you to rise to the occasion. Can you write a first chapter that captivates your audience enough to make them want to keep reading? If the answer is yes, then we want to read your first chapter. Submissions are open from May 24, 2021, to July 18, 2021.

Our guest judge will choose three stories from a shortlist.

The 1st Place winner will receive $3,000 and a one hour-long consultation with a literary agent.

2nd Place will receive $300 and publication,

3rd place will receive $200 and publication.

Finalists will also receive written feedback from a literary agent.

Bonus: Every entrant will receive access to a pre-recorded mini workshop!


Call for curator for the 35th anniversary of Art en Boîte

Art en boite 2014, campagne de financement annuel de l’atelier d’estampe Imago Inc.

(French follows)

Application deadline: July 15, 2021
Project production dates: Fall-Winter 2021
Exhibit date: November 2021 – January 2022
Curator Fee: $2,000 to $3,000 depending on the scope of the proposed project

Imago is seeking a curator to curate an exhibition from the Art en Boîte archives for its 35th anniversary. The curator will be responsible for researching and selecting works from our archives, writing a critical text for the exhibition, and offering a lecture or panel discussion about the project.

Imago is a production centre devoted to the continued development and dissemination of print. As a laboratory for creation and experimentation, Imago recruits and entices artists from other disciplines to explore the many facets of contemporary printmaking through workshops, conferences, artist residencies and interdisciplinary creation initiatives. The centre offers members, guests, and visiting artists a research facility as well as a functional studio all the while maintaining programming which reflects the ever- changing world of contemporary printmaking.

For the 35th anniversary of our annual fundraising event, Art en Boîte (2022), we want to dig into our archives and, with the help of a curator, bring out a selection of works to create an exhibition that gives a global view of the event over all these years. The curator will also be able to use the photographic archives of the event and testimonials from participating artists and members to develop the exhibition.

Working with the general management and the workshop technician, the curator’s main tasks and responsibilities will be:

  • Research in our archives;
  • Selection of works and exhibition materials;
  • Writing a text to accompany the exhibit;
  • Planning the installation;
  • Contributing to the mediation;
  • Offer a lecture or lead a panel discussion about the exhibition.


  • Good knowledge of the visual arts milieu in Acadia, particularly knowledge of printmaking techniques and the Atelier Imago;
  • Be available to do the research and selection of works in person in Moncton;
  • Experience in critical writing and exhibit curating is an asset.

All interested applicants should send a resume, a cover letter highlighting your interest in this project and a writing sample of at least 300 words or an example from a previous project. Applications will be evaluated by Imago staff and a member of the Board of Directors.

To submit your application or if you have any questions, contact Christine at direction@atelierimago.com before July 15th 2021.



Appel de candidatures pour commissaire d’exposition pour le 35e anniversaire d’Art en Boîte

Date limite d’envoi des dossiers : 15 juillet 2021

Dates de production : automne-hiver 2021

Date de l’exposition : novembre 2021 à janvier 2022

Honoraires : 2 000$ à 3 000$  dépendant de l’ampleur du projet proposé

L’Atelier d’estampe Imago recherche un·e·ae commissaire pour mettre sur place une exposition tirée des archives d’Art en Boîte pour son 35e anniversaire. Le·la·li commissaire sera chargé·e de faire la recherche, sélectionner les œuvres de nos archives, écrire un texte critique pour l’exposition et offrir une conférence ou table ronde au sujet du projet.

Imago est un centre de production voué au développement et à la diffusion de l’estampe et de l’art imprimé établi au Centre Culturel Aberdeen de Moncton depuis 1986. Le centre offre un lieu de recherche, un atelier fonctionnel et une programmation qui reflète les tendances actuelles en arts visuels. En plus d’offrir un laboratoire de création et d’expérimentation à travers son programme d’artiste en résidence, ses conférences d’artistes, ses ateliers, ses expositions et ses projets de création interdisciplinaires, Imago encourage et appui des artistes de différentes disciplines à explorer les possibilités de l’estampe.

Pour le 35e anniversaire de notre évènement levé de fond annuel, Art en Boîte (2022), nous voulons creuser dans nos archives et, à l’aide d’un·e·ae commissaire, ressortir une sélection d’œuvres pour créer une exposition qui donne une vue globale de l’évènement sur toutes ces années. Le·la·li commissaire pourra aussi se servir des archives photographiques de l’évènement et des témoignages d’artistes et membres participants pour enrichir l’exposition.

Travaillant avec la direction générale et la technicienne de l’atelier, les principales tâches et responsabilités du·de la·di commissaire seront:

  • Recherche des archives;
  • Sélection des œuvres et du matériel d’exposition;
  • Écriture d’un texte;
  • Planification du montage;
  • Contribuer à la médiation;
  • Offrir une conférence ou table ronde au sujet de l’exposition.

Exigences et connaissances:

  • Bien connaître le milieu des arts visuels en Acadie, préférablement avoir des connaissances des

    techniques d’estampe et de l’Atelier Imago;

  • Être disponible pour faire le travail de recherche et sélection des œuvres en personne à Moncton;
  • Expérience en rédaction de textes critique et en commissariat sont un atout.

Toutes personnes intéressées doivent envoyer leur curriculum vitae, une lettre de présentation en y incluant votre intérêt pour ce projet et un échantillon d’écriture d’au moins 300 mots ou un exemple tiré d’un projet antérieur. Les dossiers seront évaluées par les employés de l’atelier et un membre du Conseil d’Administration.

Pour soumettre votre dossier ou pour toutes questions, communiquez avec Christine à direction@atelierimago.com avant le 15 juillet 2021.

Suivez-nous sur instagram!
Follow us on instagram! 


Call for Submissions: Ode to Studios South | CreatedHere Magazine

Alongside Sand Cove Road in Saint John – Photo by Hailley Fayle during this shoot.

ode to studios: south


CreatedHere Magazine

We are seeking contributors for CreatedHere Magazine Issue 18: Ode to Studios, launching December 2021.

From the rolling tides of Fundy to the bustling historic splendour of Saint John, to an abundance of tight-knit, water-laced communities, South NB is an artistic adventurer’s dream. What artist hasn’t felt their creativity surge after a getaway to this region? The artists who live there are immersed in this wellspring of inspiration, and it shows.

Ode to Studios is our annual winter theme. This year we focus in on artist studios in South NB (for our purposes, that means preference will be given to artists in Saint John, St. Andrew’s, St. Stephen, Sussex, Fundy Park and surrounding areas).

We are seeking:

  • photographic tours of cozy artist studios and first-hand accounts of the routines, rituals and habits that guide studio practice
  • artwork and photography that explores winter or the embrace of a seasonal lifestyle
  • musings and poetry about the South NB landscape (especially the winter landscape) and the artist’s place within it
  • pairings of visual artists with poets/writers/songwriters, responding to one another’s work

This issue is less about long-form articles and more about largescale, calming imagery with short-form, poetic writing and artist quotes. Think coffee table book. For ideas, get inspired by the 2020 version here and the 2019 version here.

Only complete submissions will be considered. Please click HERE for the submission checklist and full details on how we select featured artists.

With thanks to the Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation and the New Brunswick College of Craft & Design for funding our contributor fees, we offer payment of $50-$250 depending on contribution size.





Call for Submissions – UNLOCKED: Virtual Art Exhibit by Young Canadians Inspired by the Pandemic

  • One year into the Covid-19 pandemic, the creative and emotional lives of our youth matter more than ever. Young Canadian artists need to be seen, encouraged, and their talent recognized.
  • UNLOCKED is a virtual art exhibit that shines a spotlight on art created by young Canadians in response to the global pandemic.
  • Submissions are invited at www.unlockedproject.ca until September 1st, 2021

UNLOCKED, an art project that sheds a spotlight on the personal and creative response to the COVID-19 global pandemic by young artists throughout Canada, launched today. UNLOCKED is an online art exhibit, featuring visual arts, music, poetry, photography and video. Young people ages 9-25 are invited to submit their original artwork through the project’s website www.unlockedproject.ca. Selected artworks will be published on the UNLOCKED website and will be promoted on UNLOCKED’s social media platforms as well as through a wide range of art organizations across the country.

UNLOCKED values diversity and the representation of minorities from coast to coast to coast. Its goal is to create a vibrant community of young artists across Canada – inspire creativity and through the beauty of their art give a bit of hope in these difficult times.

UNLOCKED has been made possible thanks to the collaboration of several important Canadian youth organizations actively engaged in art programs that bring social change and justice to their communities. Project collaborators include ArtBridgesField TripVIBE ArtsinPathYellow Pad SessionsInk MovementJAYUYouth Ottawa, and LOVE (Québec).

The deadline for submissions is September 1st, 2021. Members of the jury include Jennifer Dorner, Executive producer of POP Montreal, Kristian Manchester, Executive Creative Director at Sid Lee, and Arthur Gaillard, Head of Art & Design at MASSIVart.

UNLOCKED is a Montreal-based project founded by Josette Gauthier, documentary film producer.

For more information, please visit www.unlockedproject.ca.



  • Un an après le début de la pandémie de Covid-19, la vie créative et émotionnelle de nos jeunes compte plus que jamais. Les jeunes artistes canadiens doivent être vus, encouragés et leur talent reconnu.
  • UNLOCKED est une exposition d’art virtuelle qui met en lumière l’art créé par de jeunes Canadiens en réponse à la pandémie mondiale.
  • Les candidatures peuvent être déposées à l’adresse www.unlockedproject.ca jusqu’au 1er septembre 2021.

UNLOCKED lance aujourd’hui un projet artistique qui met en lumière l’art de jeunes Canadiens en réponse à la pandémie mondiale de COVID-19. UNLOCKED est une exposition d’art en ligne, misant sur les arts visuels, la musique, la poésie, la photographie et la vidéo. Les jeunes âgés de 9 à 25 ans sont invités à soumettre leurs œuvres originales sur le site Web du projet, www.unlockedproject.ca. Les œuvres sélectionnées seront publiées sur le site web d’UNLOCKED et feront l’objet d’une promotion sur ses plateformes de médias sociaux ainsi qu’à travers multiples organisations artistiques à travers le pays.

UNLOCKED valorise la diversité et la représentation des minorités d’un océan à l’autre. Son objectif est de créer une communauté dynamique de jeunes artistes à travers le Canada – inspirer la créativité et, par la beauté de leur art, donner un peu d’espoir en ces temps difficiles.

UNLOCKED a été rendu possible grâce à la collaboration d’importantes organisations de jeunesse canadiennes. Ces organisations sont toutes engagées activement dans des programmes d’art qui apportent un changement social et une justice à leurs communautés. Les collaborateurs du projet sont : ArtBridgesField TripVIBE ArtsinPathYellow Pad SessionsInk MovementJAYUYouth Ottawa et LOVE (Québec).

La date limite pour le dépôt des oeuvres est le 1er septembre 2021. Les membres du jury à ce jour, sont Jennifer Dorner, productrice exécutive de POP Montréal, Kristian Manchester, directeur exécutif de la création chez Sid Lee, et Arthur Gaillard, responsable des arts et du design chez MASSIVart.

UNLOCKED est un projet montréalais fondé par Josette Gauthier, productrice de films documentaires.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter le site www.unlockedproject.ca.



Deadline to register for The Musical Stage Company’s ONE SONG GLORY is this Friday June 11th.We want to meet your performing and non-performing arts students!

One Song Glory is a fully subsidized six-weekend long intensive youth musical theatre training program that builds community, self-confidence, and self-expression through a combination of new music creation, masterclasses, rehearsal, and online presentations. Our goal is to offer participants a professional rehearsal experience, the chance to create and design new work, provide industry insight and the guidance needed to develop a fruitful career in the performing arts.

At its creation this program was held in person in Toronto, offering Ontario teens a place to create, perform and celebrate their shared love of musical theatre. In 2019 we shifted to an all-digital format and invited participation from young artists from across Canada.  We are thrilled to offer this program digitally again this fall and to continue growing our national network of young artists, providing students from across the country (who reside in remote, rural, and urban communities) access to fully subsidized training led by Canada’s leading musical artists.

We are proud to report that to date, over 850 young Canadians have completed One Song Glory, without any cost to the participants. Past participants are now gracing international stages and Canadian concert halls including Broadway and the Stratford and Shaw Festivals.

Learn more: https://musicalstagecompany.com/in-community/one-song-glory/


  1. Any young artist between the ages of 13-19 is invited to register and submit an audition video.
  2. All participants who register are invited to attend our free online Video Creation Workshop this summer, where they will learn how to improve their audition videos from a team of leading industry professionals.The first 100 participants to register will also receive individualized feedback at the workshop.
  3. After the Video Creation Workshop participants will be invited to edit and re-submit their audition videos, applying what they learned.
  4. From those videos, 50 performers and non-performing artists will be invited to join our free six-weekend training intensive in the Fall/Winter of 2021.  In groups of 10, the participants will create a brand new musical theatre song and video presentation under the guidance of top Canadian Directors, Composers and Designers.

*PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to share the enriching qualities of the theatre with a wider cross-section of young people, we are actively seeking a balance of performing and non-performing artists (writers, visual artists, poets, designers, filmmakers, stage managers, and any non-performing discipline we may have missed).


First, click here to fill out the One Song Glory 2021 registration form.

Next, view the audition & portfolio video submission guidelines here.

After filling out the registration form, please email your video links, updated headshot and resume, and applicable passwords to onesongglory@musicalstagecompany.com no later than 5:00 pm on June 11, 2021.

Late submissions may still be accepted on a case-by-case basis.

We especially encourage folx who identify as Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, LGBTQ2S+, d/Deaf, Mad, Disabled/People with Disabilities, and/or Neurodiverse to submit.


Audition & Portfolio Videos Due:
  • June 11, 2021
Audition & Portfolio Video Creation Workshops:
  • Saturday July 24th, 2021
  • Sunday July 25th, 2021
Intensive Training Sessions on Zoom (weekends):
  • October 16th and 17th 2021
  • October 23rd and 24th, 2021
  • October 30th and 31st 2021
  • November 6th and 7th, 2021
  • November 13th and 14th, 2021
  • November 20th and 21st, 2021
Live Video Premiere

December 2021

Please direct any questions to onesongglory@musicalstagecompany.com.
We cannot wait to meet and work with all of the participants of One Song Glory 2021!

Canadian Artists and Content Creators Economic Survey

Excellent news – the Canadian Artists and Content Creators Economic Survey has already gathered over 3,000 responses!

Thank you for your help disseminating the survey and promoting it within your networks. The survey period has been extended and will now be accessible online until July 2, 2021.

We invite you to share this with your membership! In our experience, it appears that a direct email to members and social media promotion are most effective to spread the word, as well as word of mouth to friends, family, and colleagues.

Let’s keep the momentum going and reach as many Canadian artists and content creators as possible. To deliver meaningful disaggregated data specific to creative sectors, regions and/or communities, our goal is to double the current participation.


  • The objective of this survey is to help create an updated portrait of the artistic and creative community in Canada. The data gathered through this survey will serve the important function of informing future and existing Canadian Heritage policies and programs, ensuring the Department continues to be responsive to the creative sector’s reality.
  • Widespread participation today means more detailed data will be available to make public for analysis in the near future, as we all make plans towards recovery. This is why we are especially grateful for your participation and help disseminating this survey.

We look forward to hearing more from the artists and content creators you represent and work with!

Link to the survey in English:


Link to the survey in French:


Many thanks for your ongoing collaboration,

L’équipe du sondage Survey Team

Affaires culturelles | Cultural Affairs

Ministère du Patrimoine canadien | Department of Canadian Heritage


Call to Artists for the design of the Heritage Conservation Award

The Moncton Heritage Conservation Board is seeking to select one artist or artisan to design an art piece for the Heritage Conservation Awards and create three identical copies, one for each of the following
– Preservation/Restoration Award
– Rehabilitation/Adaptive Reuse Award
– Special Recognition Award

The award must be designed so that it can be reproduced in multiple copies for subsequent years.

About the program

The purpose of the Heritage Conservation Board Awards Program is to acknowledge, educate, commemorate, promote and celebrate the conservation of heritage valued building, properties, landscapes, culturally significant resources and individuals in the City of Moncton. The fundamental goal is to celebrate Moncton’s history.

About the commission

The selected artist must submit one design for all three categories. Artist may not suggest alterations for each category. The work must be 3D artwork or fine craft, reflecting the theme of the City of Moncton, excellence in architecture and built heritage conservation.

Each award must allow space for a plaque that will include the title of the award, the year and the name of recipient. The original piece can rest on a base in the material of the artist’s choice.

The finished awards must be delivered no later than August 26, 2021 at 4 p.m.

The artist guarantees that the artwork proposed is original and does not violate the copyright of any other person or entity. Copyright remains with the artist. The artist must assign the following rights to the City of Moncton: right to photograph, reproduce or include the image on the City of Moncton’s website and social media or in publications for non-commercial purposes.

The successful artist will receive a stipend of $1,500 for the final design in addition to the production cost of each award.

Preference will be given to artists or artisans residing within Westmorland, Albert and Kent counties and the First Nations communities of Elsipogtog, Buctouche, Indian Island and Fort Folly. In the event that local artists are not available or do not respond to this call, artists residing in other areas of New Brunswick will be considered.

Submission of Proposals

Each proposal must be submitted digitally to: culture@moncton.ca and must include:
– Drawing/rendering of proposed design with size and description of material(s)
– Artistic statement and description of concept
– Budget/costs for production of each award
– Artist biography and resume
– Three samples of past art or design work
– Two references

Submission Deadline

Thursday, July 8 at 4 p.m.


The selection process will be made by members of the Moncton Heritage Conservation Board. Selection will be final and the successful artist will be notified by July 15, 2021. The hired artist will report to the Cultural Development Officer.


Please contact Joanne Duguay at joanne.duguay@moncton.ca or 506-859-2626.

The Fiddlehead’s Creative Nonfiction Contest

The Fiddlehead’s 2021 Creative Nonfiction contest is now open and we’re excited to announce that Chelene Knight will be judging this year’s submissions!

There will be one prize of $2000 for the winning submission. Check out the contest submission guidelines for more information!

This year’s contest deadline is Tuesday, June 1, 2021 (postmarked for mailed entries and 11:59 pm Atlantic Standard Time for Submittable entries).









OPPORTUNITY: Living is Easy

Struts Gallery is excited to announce the return of Living is Easy: A series of projects by Struts members.

Members living in Zone 1 are invited to sign up for use of the gallery space. During Living is Easy, artists will have access gallery space, staff support and resources on hand at Struts & Faucet. Projects can include ready exhibitions, in progress work, research and production of work, and more. We are open to hearing your ideas! This is a chance to explore.

At this time, we are unable to host opening receptions. The public is welcome to view projects during gallery hours and in accordance with Covid-19 protocol.

Due to shifting Covid-19 restrictions, we are only able to offer spots to members from within New Brunswick’s Zone 1. Hopefully in the future, as cases lessen, we will be able to invite members from further away.

Priority will be given to members who have not recently participated in the program.

– August 3 – August 14
– August 24 – September 4
– September 13 – September 25

There are three projects spots available per date.


Please forward a brief artist biography and project description or a description of how you plan to use the space to admin@strutsgallery.ca with the subject line “LIVING IS EASY”.

If there is a date you prefer, please specify and provide a reason why.
If you prefer the front, middle or back gallery, please specify. Floor plans can be found on our website.

New Exhibition: Theme and Variations, 15 May – 3 July 2021

Paintings by Edmundston NB artist, Owen Munisamy

The Andrew & Laura McCain Art Gallery is pleased to be hosting an exhibition of paintings by a young painter working in Edmundston, NB, Owen Munisamy.

The exhibition titled Theme and Variations, is a collection of watercolour and acrylic paintings created between 2016 and 2021. Born in a musical family in Europe and having received his artistic training in England, Munisamy currently works in Edmundston, New Brunswick.

This exhibition is delighting an audience who willingly integrate their own humanity with technology on both minor and major scales.

Featured in the most recent edition of Created Here Magazine, Munisamy explores a form of abstraction that blends biological, suggestively human elements (which might remind you of the sculptures of British artists Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth) with the geometrical, hard-edged shapes of contemporary technology. In vivid and bold colour, Munisamy creates variations on a theme of collapsing and exploding spheres suspended on illusory planes, within expansive atmospheres and accompanied with surprising allusions to both art and the real world. At any point the artist’s imagery can transport us to the microscopic or to outer space. Another influence on the artist was Salvador Dali and if you can remember his famous melting clock, you are well on your way to envisioning Munisamy’s biomorphic inventions.

Coming from a family of musicians, Munisamy looked to music for inspiration and particularly at the sculptural forms of wood and brass instruments and their intricate mechanisms. Tree trunks, bicycle wheels, telescopes, lines, wedges, and the unexpected can all be discovered in these enigmatic paintings.

adFda 2021 calls for submissions from the dance community!

(Moncton, NB – May 25, 2021) – A 2nd call for submissions has been issued for dance artists and companies for the 16th edition of the Atlantic Dance Festival from August 12 to 22, 2021.

We are looking for 5-8-minute solos, 5-8-minute choreographies with dancers in the same bubble or 10-20-minute choreographies that respect physical distancing and have been presented publicly before.

We ask that you send the following information with your submission;


  • Address, phone number and email address;
  • A brief CV;
  • A short video that clearly demonstrates your technical and artistic abilities OR for longer choreography proposals that have already been presented publicly, provide a video of the work (DVD, USB key or web link).
  •  Be available for performances between August 12 and 22, 2021.


Please email submissions to adfestivalda@gmail.com no later than May 31st. Contact us by phone at (506) 855-0998 for more information.

Director of operations and administration

Symphony New Brunswick (SNB), New Brunswick’s only full-scale provincial symphony orchestra, is a registered charity with a strong record of fiscal responsibility. It is financed by ticket sales, grants from government agencies, contributions from Symphony New Brunswick Foundation Inc. and from corporations, other foundations and many individuals. The organization, in its 37th year of operation, is governed by a Board of Directors, currently comprising twelve members from across the province. SNB’s vision is, by building on a long musical tradition, to be seen as the national-class professional symphony orchestra for all New Brunswickers. Its mission is, through high-quality educational offerings and performances, innovation and creativity,

SNB consists of a core of salaried professional musicians and a number of per-service professional musicians. In addition to its orchestral series in Saint John, Moncton and Fredericton, SNB also sponsors concerts by the Saint John String Quartet and by other professional musicians who perform with the symphony. Community outreach and school concerts are a vital part of the symphony’s program throughout the Province.

Symphony New Brunswick (SNB), the only major provincial symphony orchestra in New Brunswick, is a registered charity with a solid reputation for financial responsibility. The organization is funded by ticket sales, grants from government agencies, and contributions to the Symphony New Brunswick Foundation Inc. from corporations, other foundations and many individuals. The organization, which is in its 37th year of operation, is governed by a Board of Directors, which currently includes twelve members from across the province. The vision of the SNB is, drawing on an important musical heritage, to be considered as the National-caliber professional symphony orchestra for all New Brunswickers. Its mission is to promote, through high quality educational offerings and performances, innovation and creativity, awareness and appreciation of symphonic music in a New Brunswick with a growing population. diverse.

The SNB is made up of a group of salaried professional musicians and a certain number of professional musicians paid by performance. In addition to its orchestral series in Saint John, Moncton and Fredericton, the SNB also sponsors concerts by the Saint John String Quartet and other professional musicians who perform with the Symphony. Community outreach and school concerts are a critical component of the Symphony program across the province.


As Director-Operations and Administration, you will find a rewarding opportunity to apply your business and arts management skills and leadership ability with SNB. As an ambassador of the Symphony the successful candidate will maintain positive relationships with all stakeholders. We are seeking an innovative, positive self-starter who possesses the skills to manage the operations of a small but complex business with minimum supervision. The Director reports to the President and works closely with SNB’s Music Director and the Director, Donor Relations.

The Director is responsible for providing financial and operational leadership. He / she is responsible for assisting in the development and implementation of SNB’s strategic plan to achieve the organization’s short and long-term goals. In addition, responsibilities include but are not limited to: budget development, accounting oversight including cash flow management, payroll and accounts payable, production organization and management, human resource management and negotiation and administration of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

As a Director of Operations and Administration, you will take this promising opportunity to apply your business and arts management skills and leadership capacity with SNB. In the role of champion of the Symphony, the successful candidate will maintain positive relationships with all stakeholders. We are looking for an innovative and positive person who has the skills to manage the complex operations of a small business with the minimum of supervision. The Director reports to the President and works closely with the SNB Music Director and the Director of Donor Relations.

The director is responsible for providing financial and operational leadership. He or she is responsible for contributing to the development and implementation of SNB’s strategic plan to achieve the short and long term goals of the organization. In addition, responsibilities include, but are not limited to: budgeting, accounting oversight, including cash flow management, payroll and accounts payable, organization and management of production, human resource management and collective agreement negotiation and administration.


University level education in business or arts administration is preferred. Preference will be given to candidates with 2-5 years-experience in arts or event management or 5 years in general small business administration. Proficiency in both official languages ​​is a definite asset. Vital characteristics include strong people skills, a decisive nature and a willingness to be an agent of change. 

A university education in business or arts management is preferred. Preference will be given to applicants with 2-5 years of experience in the arts or event management, or 5 years in general small business management. Fluency in both official languages ​​is an important asset. Essential characteristics include strong people skills, decisiveness and a willingness to be a change agent.

Work With Us

Compensation: Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications.

Although based in Saint John, the incumbent will participate in the Symphony’s activities in all SNB’s principal performing venues, Saint John, Moncton and Fredericton. 

Applications must be submitted to Symphony New Brunswick, Brunswick Square, 39 King St., Level III, Saint John, NB, E2L 4W3 (attention: the President) or to rparker@nbnet.nb.ca no later than June 15, 2021. For more information, please visit our website at www.symphonynb.ca.

Remuneration: The salary will be proportional to experience and skills.

Although based in Saint-Jean, the incumbent will participate in the activities of the Symphony Orchestra in all the main performance venues of the SNB, namely in Saint-Jean, Moncton and Fredericton.

Please submit your request to Symphonie Nouveau-Brunswick, Brunswick Square, 39 King Street, 3rd Floor, Saint-Jean, NB, E2L 4W3 (attention of the President) or at rparker@nbnet.nb.ca, at the latest June 15, 2021. For more information, please visit our website at: www.symphonynb.ca.

Apply Now

Explore St Andrews heritage this summer and earn a chance to win an exciting prize.

St. Andrews, NB — Over the course of the summer months, the Charlotte County Archives are hosting a new interactive activity for people of all ages. Residents and visitors are invited to come to St. Andrews to take part in a Heritage Hunt — a walk (or drive) around four blocks in downtown St. Andrews, at any time they wish — all summer long. Participants will be looking for distinctive architectural features, heritage houses and important buildings, and filling out response cards with their finds.

For $10.00, participants will receive a ticket eligible for a Grand Prize Draw at the end of the season. Prizes will include a free night at the Algonquin Resort Hotel, a 12-month Family Membership to Ministers Island, a Family Membership to Kingsbrae Garden for 2022, and a Huntsman Marine Family Membership including the Aquarium for 2022.

The ticket provides information about what to hunt for and includes a tear-off numbered response card. Each correct card hand-delivered to the Archives, or sent later, will go into the draw. One ticket may be filled in by more than one person but only gets one chance for a prize.


Charlotte County Archives Board Chair, Franklin Cardy, says, “This event will replace the popular Heritage House Tours we have hosted for many years in support of the Archives.  It’s not possible to open up houses to crowds of people this year, but we hope to encourage people to wander through our beautiful town, discovering distinctive heritage features and earn a chance in a special Grand Prize Draw or a daily door prize.”


The Heritage Hunt is running from Victoria Day through Thanksgiving weekend and will be open to people of all ages following COVID protocols at the time.

Heritage Hunt tickets may be purchased in St. Andrews at:

Serendipin’ Art on Water Street

Sunbury Shores Arts and Nature Centre on Water Street

Cockburn’s Drugstore on Water Street

Honeybeans Coffee, Tea and Treats on Water Street

Fundy Discovery Aquarium, Huntsman Marine Science Centre, Lower Campus Road

Visitor Information Centre at the Arena

Charlotte County Archives at the Old Jail, 123 Frederick Street

And elsewhere in the Province at:

Westminster Books in Fredericton

Kennebecasis Drugstore in Rothesay

Stewart’s Gifts in St. Stephen

Guardian Pharmacy in St. George


For more information, please contact Heather Wilson (contact@ccarchives.ca)   or Franklin Cardy, fcardy@sympatico.nb.ca

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS Festival Inspire – Film Screening

On July 15th, Festival Inspire will host a special outdoor film screening alongside the Petitcodiac river at the Holy Whale Beer Hall in Riverview!
We’re looking for films by New Brunswick-based filmmakers that respond to our namesake – #Inspire – whatever that means to you. An inspirational film, a mistake that inspired you, flow states of experimentation, fiction, documentary, comedy, drama – we want YOUR inspiration on the big screen!

The List

Programming of AGAVF members

Imago Printmaking Workshop (Moncton)

Marc-Antoine K. Phaneuf and Blake M. Morin – Épistola – Le bon fils: Anticipation and realization
from April 15 to May 20, 2021
140, rue Botsford, ground floor of the Aberdeen Cultural Center
Moncton, New Brunswick


Blue constellation-Galerie Bernard-Jean (Caraquet)

Martin Krykorka – Natural cycles
from April 9 to May 15, 2021
220, boul. Saint-Pierre Ouest
Caraquet, New Brunswick

Louise-et-Reuben-Cohen Art Gallery (Moncton)

Sandrine Duquenne, Émerise LeBlanc-Nowlan and Florence Renson – Annual Exhibition for Graduates in Visual Arts 2021
from April 15 to May 30, 2021
Université de Moncton
Moncton, New Brunswick

No Name Gallery  (Moncton)

RE: FLUX experimental music and sound art festival from
May 24 to 30, 2021 online

Les Traversées with Phanie Bernier and Mathieu Léger
Cross residence with AdMare
140, rue Botsford, local 16
Moncton, New Brunswick

Calls for submissions

1.Calls in French from Canada

La Centrale – Public intimacy performance – Montreal – May 23
Les Percéides Festival – Percé – May 21
Center d’Art daphne – Montreal – May 15


2.Calls in English from Canada

Mount Pleasant Community Art Screen – Vancouver – June 11
Hold Fast Contemporary Arts Festival – Eastern Edge – St John’s – May 21
Neutral Ground – Calgary – June 1
Small File Media Festival – Vancouver – June 4
Emerging Digital Artists Award – June 15

New Adventures in Sound Art (NAISA) – Toronto – May 14
Craft Ontario – Toronto – June 7
AKA Artist-run Center – Saskatoon – ongoing
Southern Alberta Art Gallery – Lethbridge – ongoing


3.international calls

Image + Bias – May 16
Phileas – a fund for contemporary – Vienna – September 10



Centr’Elles, Avignon Women’s Action Committee – June 4
Center d’artistes Voix Visuelle – Ottawa – June 15
Griffin Art Projects Residency – North Vancouver – June 15
Villa Saint-Louis Ndar – Senegal – June 20
Canadian Museum of of Immigration Pier 21 – Halifax – May 21
Residency for Black trans visual artists – Palm Springs – May 18
Open Studio – May 31
Center Sagamie – June 15
Zocalo center d’artistes – Longueuil – May 21


5.public art

Mississauga’s Sculpture Court – May 30
Platforms – Vancouver – June 3
481 UNIVERSITY UNITED BLDG – Toronto – June 11
Cambridge Street North – Ottawa – May 25
Indigenous public art – Ottawa Public Library and Library and Archives Canada – Ottawa – April 12 and May 31st

6.for commissioners

Associate Indigenous Curator, City of Calgary – June 15
QOQQOON – call for papers – May 24
Ar (n) t Write – June 1
AdMare – call for current art curators – June 20
VTape – Curatorial incubator – Toronto – June 1
To the est de vos empires – Quebec – ongoing
Revue de Paris – call for contributors – ongoing


1.Calls in French from Canada

Call for projects
Public privacy; remote connections
Deadline: 2021.05.23

Download the call (PDF)

Artistic Director at Sunbury Shores Arts and Nature Centre

Sunbury Shores Arts and Nature Centre is located in beautiful Saint Andrews By the Sea New Brunswick and has been the link between the arts and nature since 1964. SSANC is open year-round offering unique workshops and educational programming in partnership with our local community and regional schools. We celebrate new and seasoned artists and instructors from across Canada and around the world.

We are seeking an Artistic Director to manage the regional promotion of the Centre, design and deliver programming, jury and curate exhibits, generate grants and operational revenue and network with artist instructors and exhibitors, students, patrons and organizations using our facilities.

The successful candidate will be an agile strategic thinker, able to maximize and leverage opportunities. With a results-driven entrepreneurial spirit and strong interpersonal skills, the Artistic Director will seek revenue growth and encourage the development of a strong culture of artistic pursuits throughout our NB community.

Applicants should indicate their qualifications, commitment and passion for the following criteria:

• Ability to work collaboratively and deliver a professional, approachable demeanor to all clients, staff, and artists while maintaining a safe inclusive work environment;

• Capacity to be a key public ambassador of our community-based Centre, and to lead partnership-building and client liaison opportunities;

• Positive and enthusiastic in your efforts to engage others and build trust;

• Strong listening skills, setting an example for maintaining our reputation for friendly and responsive service delivery;

• Resilient and supportive, with an ability to work collaboratively in a demanding, dynamic and diverse public environment;

• Experience in the budgeting, development and delivery of our Strategic Plan to ensure the best use of assets, financial sustainability and timely reporting on outcomes and concerns;

• Two plus years of experience managing and directing the artistic development of a similar not-for-profit;

• Experience in arts and nature program planning, curation of gallery exhibitions, solicitation and contract negotiation with instructors and related support requirements;

• Experience in multimedia brand development and the production of promotional materials;

• Experience in developing and maintaining a broad range of programming that optimizes participation by youth, adults, seniors and vulnerable sectors of our community;

• Experience in developing and overseeing an artists-in-residence program;

• Knowledge of private and public sector grant and funding opportunities for the arts, education and nature combined with successful grant applications and subsequent reporting;

• Proven strong problem-solving, team-building, communication and organizational skills;

• Fluency in spoken and written English. Spoken and written French is considered a valuable asset.

SSANC welcomes applications from all qualified individuals, including, but not limited to women, persons with disabilities, visible minorities (racialized), Indigenous Peoples and persons of any gender identity and sexual orientation. SSANC is committed to a positive, supportive, and inclusive environment.

SSANC offers accommodation for applicants with disabilities in its recruitment processes. If you are contacted by SSANC regarding this job opportunity, please advise if you require accommodation.

We are committed to enhancing our environmentally and socially responsible practices for the benefit of all members of the SSANC community. Our long-term perspective recognizes our responsibility to be innovators and to continually work as a
community to reduce our ecological impact.


Please submit your resume and cover letter indicating your interest and relevant experience to Catherine Hamilton, President, Board of Directors of Sunbury Shores Art and Nature Centre at Board@sunburyshores.org.

Application deadline: Midnight ADT, May 30th 2021

Please note: While we invite applications from all interested and qualified candidates, we are unable to follow-up with every applicant. Thank you. Stay safe. Please share.

Sunbury Shores Art and Nature Centre, 139 Water Street, St Andrews By-the-Sea, New Brunswick, Canada, E5B 1A7

Please visit www.sunburyshores.org to learn more about us and our mission.

May, 2021
Sunbury Shores Arts & Nature Centre, 139 Water Street, Saint Andrews, NB E5B 1A7


Sunbury Shores Artistic Director Posting 2021 (1)