
Advocacy is of critical importance to ArtsLink and its members. We work had to ensure policy-makers understand the economic and social contributions of artists, as well as the challenges they face in living and working in New Brunswick.

We present our membersโ€™ concerns at numerous discussions at the provincial, national and international levels, including: Maine-New Brunswick Cultural Initiative Taskforce (ongoing); New Brunswick Cultural Human Resources Transition Committee; New Brunswick Cultural Policy Renewal Roundtable (2012-2013); New Brunswick Cultural Industries Strategy Working Group (2013-2014); Arts Day at the Legislature (ongoing); Pre-budget consultations, attendance at provincial budget presentation (2012); The Premierโ€™s Taskforce on the Status of the Artist (ongoing); Leadersโ€™ Forum on Arts and Culture (2010); and preliminary discussions on the Premierโ€™s Committee on the Socio-Economic Status of the Artist (2010-2011).

Media and Interviews










Provincial Elections:

In the leadup to provincial elections, we research the party platforms in an effort to find each party’s plans for the arts in NB.

Find your riding and register to vote here.

The most recent election was in 2020, and you can find the 2020 Provincial election advocacy document here: Arts and Culture and the Provincial Election

Provincial Political Party Websites:

New Brunswick Liberal Association: https://nbliberal.ca/

New Democratic Party of New Brunswick: https://nbndp.ca/

Green Party of New Brunswick: http://www.greenpartynb.ca/

Progressive Conservatives New Brunswick: https://www.pcnb.ca/

People’s Alliance of New Brunswick: https://www.peoplesalliance.ca/