
Jane LeBlanc Film Post Award 🎞️

An award from the Jane LeBlanc Legacy Fund for emerging New Brunswick filmmakers to assist them with their post-production and distribution.

Jane Leblanc Legacy Fund Logo

Eligible Post & Distribution Activities:

  • ‍Sound Design
  • Music Score
  • Colour Correction
  • Dialogue Replacement
  • Picture Edit
  • Festival Fees

Awarded filmmaker must hire New Brunswick resident creatives to do the post-work on a project.

All submissions can be emailed to catmaryleblanc@gmail.com

Full details here.

Fredericton Expands Temporary Public Art Program: Phoenix Square and Beyond 🔥

The City of Fredericton invites proposals from professional artists to install temporary public artworks at Phoenix Square in front of City Hall as well as at alternate city-owned locations.

City of Fredericton logoCity of Fredericton logo


The temporary public art program is meant to contribute to a welcoming and vibrant space for the community and visitors to enjoy throughout the summer and fall. Although the public art is only intended to last for a short time, designs should be well constructed, vandal-resistant, and able to withstand summer and fall weather.

Each location will have variable conditions that the artist must consider.  Proposals will be reviewed through a lens that includes public safety, sturdiness, public engagement, and how well it fits with the environment, while not posing an impediment to public use of the space.

Phoenix Square in the heart of downtown Fredericton is enjoyed by tourists, locals, and office workers, many who use the nearby benches or bistro tables. Applicants should note that in addition to seating, there is a prominent water fountain, large umbrellas, garden beds, large flowerpots, and other immovable objects that will need to be considered in the design process. Applicants are advised to examine the detailed site drawing here.

Eligibility: Open to professional artists in the greater Fredericton region.

Full applications details are here.

Submissions to be sent to culture@fredericton.ca by May 5, 2023.

Arts Culture NB Grant Programs Open for 2023-24 🗓️

The 2023-2024 grants programs are now open!


Arts Culture NB. Our grant programs are now open.


If you’re an arts and cultural organization, cultural industry, artist, municipality with a cultural policy or First Nation community with an innovative project or initiative, we’d love to hear from you!

Upcoming deadlines:

April 26 

  • New Brunswick/QuĂ©bec Cultural Cooperation Grant

May 15 

  • Arts in Communities Program
  • Book Publisher Operations
  • Book Publishing (Periodicals)

View full Grant Programs and Deadlines for 2023-2024.

Sunbury Shores Call for Board Members đź“Ł

Catherine Hamilton, President of Sunbury Shores Arts and Nature Centre Inc., is actively seeking individuals who may be interested in serving on the Centre’s Board of Trustees.


Sunbury Shores Call for Board Members


Sunbury Shores is an essential cultural hub for Charlotte County, NB. Over its nearly 60-year history it has continuously fostered artistic development and arts education for adults, seniors, youth, and children in the region, delivered in the Centre’s studios, in the field, and in school classrooms.

Ideal board candidates should have an interest in promoting the arts and education, a passion for regional cultural development, and bring valuable organizational experience to the board.

The board is most interested in filling the Treasurer’s position as well as an arts-related position, although all applications rae valued and will be considered.

Please respond in confidence via email to Catherine Hamilton, Board President, at board@sunburyshores.org


Fruit of the Loop: Fruit Loops III 🍇🍉🍓

A collaboration between Galerie Sans Nom & Struts Gallery.


Fruit of the Loop. Call for Submissions


Deadline: Sunday, May 7 – 11:59PM ADT

Galerie Sans Nom and Struts Gallery are seeking video art submissions for the newest iteration of FRUIT LOOPS, a series 2SLGBTQIA+ videos and filmed performances exploring queerness, gender performativity and celebrating masquerade, drag, personas, and other fluid forms of identity.

Galerie Sans Nom and Struts Gallery welcome submissions from artists at any stage of their career, both completed and works in-progress will be accepted. Submitted works must be under 15 minutes long. FRUIT LOOPS III will take place in September with screenings in Moncton and Sackville, New Brunswick, and livestreamed online. In-progress works must be completed no later than August 31st, 2023.

Full details are here.

interConnect Call for Participants âś»

imaa/aami is excited to announce the interConnect call for participants!

Apply for this paid co-learning opportunity about digital transformation.


interConnect is looking for members of the visual and media arts community who have worked on or are preparing for a digital initiative to be part of a series of co-learning groups. These groups will explore discussion areas based on feedback from the broad visual and media arts community about what aspects of digital transformation are relevant today.

If you are interested in being part of a collaborative project where you can network with other visual and media artists from across the country about digital transformation and innovation, we want to hear from you!

This is a paid opportunity! The deadline to apply is May 5, 2023.

Full details are here interConnect call for participants.

Summerville Art Festival Call for Artists đź“Ł

We are pleased to announce the Summerville Art Festival, an annual celebration of art, culture, and community that showcases a diverse range of talented artists from across the country.


Summerville Art Festival


The festival will take place on August 19th from 12pm to 5:30pm in the beautiful community of Summerville, NB. We are now accepting submissions from artists who are interested in participating.

Applications are due by April 14th, 2023.

Details here.

Music•Musique NB Call for Board Member 📣

Music•Musique NB is reaching out to its members who might wish to serve on our Board of directors.


Music NB logo


We believe in diversity and value the benefits that diversity can bring to our board of directors. Music•Musique NB seeks to maintain a Board comprised of talented and dedicated directors with a diverse mix of expertise, experience, skills and background. For purposes of Board composition, diversity includes, but is not limited to, experience, geography, language, age, gender identity, ethnicity, and aboriginal status.

Deadline May 22, 2023, 4:00 pm.

Details, including how to apply, here.

ArtsPlace Call for Submissions đź“Ł

ARTSPLACE invites applications from Atlantic Canadian artists to exhibit, create, and work on the gallery grounds between July and October, 2023.

Depending on the selections, artists will show for one to two months.

Open Space ArtsPlace

Proposals are juried by the Exhibition Committee in early June.


Apply here.


Hold Fast Festival Call for Featured Artists ⚓️

HOLD FAST Festival is a celebration of contemporary performance, interdisciplinary art, and community engagement in St. John’s, NL.

Hold Fast Festival Logo

Our core values are:

  • Facilitating community engagement and meaningful exchange
  • Increasing public arts literacy
  • Creating opportunities for artists
  • Critiquing and subverting structural oppressions & systems of power, with emphasis on:
    • queer, feminist, and anti-racist perspectives
    • Newfoundland & Labrador regional identity
    • and Indigenous resistance to colonialism

HOLD FAST culminates in a Saturday afternoon Art Crawl, a series of performances, installations, and interactive pop-ups staged outdoors and in non-gallery venues across downtown St. John’s. Past programming has included performances, interactive installations, artist talks, workshops, dance, drag, burlesque, film screenings, and free community events for people of all ages.

Apply here.

Artist Residency at Imago Artist-Run Print Studio đź“Ł

Call for submissions 2023-2024

Call opens : March 7 2023
Deadline : May 15 2023
Results : July 1st 2023
Available spaces : 3 to 4

Artist Residency

The Imago Artist-Run Print Studio invites artists who work in printmaking to apply to come and work in our studio for a period of 2 to 3 weeks. Imago offers a research space, a functional studio and programming that reflects current trends in visual arts.


  • The artist must be recognized as a professional artist as is defined by the Canada Arts Council.
  • The artist must have expertise in the field of printmaking they propose in their project.
  • The residency must take place between August 15th 2023 and April 15th 2024.
  • The artist must be a Canadian citizen or resident, or hold a valid Canadian work permit at the time of the residency.

Please submit your application by email to residences@atelierimago.com before May 15 2023.

Follow this link to see the equipment available in our studio: equipment. For all questions about our residency program, please contact our director at direction@atelierimago.com.

Full application details are here.

Living Is Easy: Call for Submissions đź“Ł

Living is Easy is an ongoing professional development program for Struts Gallery members to use the gallery for self-directed exploration. This could entail creating work, documenting work, installing an exhibition, hosting workshops, and/or experimenting with process in the studio space. Participating artists will have the support of Gallery staff and access to tools and equipment during their project period. Struts Gallery will also promote the program and participants through its website, social media, and newsletter.

Living is Easy

All Living is Easy programs will be on view to the public during gallery hours. Masks are mandatory when working or visiting the gallery.

Most Living is Easy project periods are two weeks. They start on a Tuesday and end on a Monday.

  • May 9 – 22
  • May 30 – June 12
  • June 27 – July 10

​If you have another idea that would require less than two weeks – a short workshop, artist talk, a happening – please feel free to propose it and we’ll work to find an opening in the schedule.

​To apply, please forward a brief artist biography and project description or a description of how you plan to use the space to admin@strutsgallery.ca with the subject line “LIVING IS EASY”.

If there are dates that you prefer, please specify, and provide a reason why.
If you prefer the front, middle or back gallery, please specify. Floor plans can be found here. We’re eager to hear your ideas.

Application Deadline: Monday, April 17th, 11:59pm

All Struts members in good standing are eligible to apply! Please let us know if you have any questions.

Full details here.

Go and Write! Retreat: KIRA St. Andrews ✍🏽

May 14-19, 2023 (reduced dates and costs for May – see below)
June 16-23, 2023

Go and Write! is heading back to the Kingsbrae International Residency for the Arts (KIRA)!


A mushroom sculpture in the garden at KIRA


We couldn’t be happier that the kind folks at award-winning Kingsbrae International Residence for Artists (KIRA) have asked us to return to offer two writing retreats at their impeccably-maintained, historic estate in St. Andrews by-the-Sea, New Brunswick, Canada.

Note: We have one spot left for June.

Join us in the quaint, walkable town of St. Andrews by-the-Sea for a six or eight day retreat with your own private room and standalone writing studio. The award-winning Kingsbrae Garden, a 27-acre horticultural masterpiece, is at its most stunning at this time of year, and it’s right at your doorstep.

Contact us to register or with your questions.

Details are here.

Public Lending Right Program Application đź“š

The Public Lending Right (PLR) Program sends yearly payments to creators whose works are in Canada’s public libraries. The PLR Commission oversees the program.



Registration is Open!

Sign up for the program or, if you are registered with PLR, add new titles and editions to your file.

Registration notice: We only accept registrations during the regular registration period closing May 1, 2023 at midnight. Registrations received with a postmark date outside of the registration period will be returned to you.

You must be a:

  • Writer
  • Editor (note: only editors with original written contributions qualify)
  • Translator
  • Photographer
  • Illustrator, or
  • Narrator

Full details here.

icehouse poetry and Goose Lane Editions Poetry Submissions đź“–

Poetry submissions now open!

Submissions now open, April 1 to June 30. icehouse poetry


icehouse poetry and Goose Lane Editions are pleased to announce that poetry submissions will be reopening on April 1, 2023.

We welcome submissions of full-length poetry collections that demonstrate a distinctive voice and vision. Our definition of poetry is expansive and encompasses a broad definition, ranging from lyric poetry to genre-busting experimentation.

Our editorial board is particularly interested in submissions that draw upon unique experiences, perspectives, and aesthetic traditions — especially from Black, Indigenous, and other racialized writers; 2SLGBTQIA+ writers; and writers with disabilities.

Manuscripts should be submitted online via the Goose Lane submissions portal, where poets can also find details on the submission and selection process. The portal will be open for poetry submissions from April 1st to June 30th, 2023, and will then reopen for submissions in 2024.


For more information, please visit our website.

Vacancies to be Filled on the NB Arts Board đź“Ł

We are thrilled to share the following opportunity with individuals and organizations that care deeply about the arts and culture in our province, and who wish to see its diversity reflected in the programs, initiatives and structures of the New Brunswick Arts Board (artsnb).

Call for nominations. Vacancies to be filled on the NB Arts Board, Deadline 19 April 2023

The provincial government is seeking to fill three (3) vacancies on the board of directors of the New Brunswick Arts Board.

More details here.

Capital Art Sale Call for Artists đź“Ł

We’re looking for artists of every medium to submit their work for the next Capital Art Sale this spring!

Capital Art Sale Call for Artists, Application Deadline April 15

Apply with the link below or email us for any questions about how to get involved with the sale & share with any artists you think will be interested in joining us!

Apply here.

New Brunswick/Québec Cultural Cooperation Grant Program 2023 🤝

Are you an arts organization interested in partnering with a Quebec artist or arts organization to undertake a project or co-production? Are you an arts presenter or festival interested in doing a strategic project that includes presenting Quebec artists and provide professional development opportunities?


New Brunswick / Quebec Cultural Cooperation Grant Program

The New Brunswick/Québec Cultural Cooperation Grant Program aims to promote increased participation of Québec artists in New Brunswick’s major cultural events and of their New Brunswick counterparts in Québec’s events.

Arts and cultural organizations or municipalities with a cultural policy from Québec and New Brunswick are encouraged to apply!

Deadline to apply: April 26, 2023

Learn more here.