
Advocacy is of critical importance to ArtsLink and its members. We work had to ensure policy-makers understand the economic and social contributions of artists, as well as the challenges they face in living and working in New Brunswick.

We present our membersโ€™ concerns at numerous discussions at the provincial, national and international levels, including: Maine-New Brunswick Cultural Initiative Taskforce (ongoing); New Brunswick Cultural Human Resources Transition Committee; New Brunswick Cultural Policy Renewal Roundtable (2012-2013); New Brunswick Cultural Industries Strategy Working Group (2013-2014); Arts Day at the Legislature (ongoing); Pre-budget consultations, attendance at provincial budget presentation (2012); The Premierโ€™s Taskforce on the Status of the Artist (ongoing); Leadersโ€™ Forum on Arts and Culture (2010); and preliminary discussions on the Premierโ€™s Committee on the Socio-Economic Status of the Artist (2010-2011).

Media and Interviews

Provincial Elections:

Find your riding and register to vote here.

2020 Provincial election advocacy document: Arts and Culture and the Provincial Election

Provincial Political Party Websites:

New Brunswick Liberal Association: https://nbliberal.ca/

New Democratic Party of New Brunswick: https://nbndp.ca/

Green Party of New Brunswick: http://www.greenpartynb.ca/

Progressive Conservatives New Brunswick: https://www.pcnb.ca/

People’s Alliance of New Brunswick: https://www.peoplesalliance.ca/