
Introspect: a nature residency 2024 Resident Artists ⛰️

ArtsLink NB is pleased to announce the resident artists for the second Introspect: a nature residency, a biennial residency taking place in Mt. Carleton Provincial Park in partnership with NB Parks.

The artists for 2024 are: Stella d’Entremont, Caoife Garvey, Kaitlin Hoyt, Jaclyn Martinez, and Kim Stillwell.

A program of ArtsLink NB, Introspect is a low-tech residency that allows the artists to focus on the essentials of the creation process.


Lending Library Survey 2024 📚

As you may already know, ArtsLink NB has a Lending Library full of books, ebooks, and equipment that can help you make or document your art, and it’s free to use for our members.

Our annual Lending Library survey helps us learn what kinds of equipment and resources our members need and would like to have available in the future.


Recommendations from the Arts and Culture Sector

October 19, 2023

Several key cultural industry associations and groups met recently to discuss the state of the arts and culture sector in NB. As important voices advocating for the arts and culture sector, we submit these insights and recommendations to further strengthen and support the vital contributions made by this sector.

It is time to recognize the importance of arts and culture in New Brunswick.


CATAPULT Applicant Info Session for 2023

Are you an artist needing help on how to be purposeful and organized about the business side of your practice? Artists need the work habits that would allow any entrepreneur or small business owner to succeed in their field. Over an 8-week period, CATAPULT participants receive training in fundamental entrepreneurial skills.

CATAPULT Applicant Info Session

Apply for the Fall 2023 session by September 4th!

Have questions about CATAPULT and/or the application process? Sign up for an online information session on Wednesday, August 16 @ 12pm via Zoom.

Can’t make the date? No problem, let us know by selecting the sign up button we will send you a copy of the session.