
Artist’s Resale Right ©

Write to your Member of Parliament about ARR.

CARFAC and RAAV have been busy meeting with the Federal Government about the Artist’s Resale Right (ARR), and momentum is growing. Now is the time to write to your MP, asking for their support for ARR in a review of the Copyright Act, which is expected to begin this Fall.

Artist's Resale Right. Write to your Member of Parliament in support!

The ARR would enable artists to receive a royalty payment each time your work is sold in the secondary market through an auction house or commercial gallery. The ARR matters, because art often grows in value over time, and artists currently have no legal right to receive income from this growth. If Canada had an ARR, artists would benefit from sales at home and abroad, as it is already law in over 90 countries worldwide. Here is a summary of our ARR proposal.

Their advocacy work on this issue has led to a commitment from the Liberals to amend the Copyright Act to include an Artist’s Resale Right, and last fall it was listed as a priority in the Mandate Letters of Minister Rodriguez and Minister Champagne.

There is still so much to do, and your support is crucial. We know that direct interactions with constituents can go a long way. Please use this opportunity to connect with your Member of Parliament.

Not sure how to connect with your MP? Here is a template letter covering key points on why ARR is important to all artists in Canada, especially those who are Indigenous or seniors.

Write to your MP

Need more information on the Artist’s Resale Right? Click here to learn more and find a summary of our proposal.

Atlantic Arts Symposium Book Fair 📚

Attention Atlantic artists! Do you have an arts publication you’d like to feature at the Arts Atlantic Symposium book sale? We would love for you to send us your zines, art books, exhibit catalogues, and other goodies for us to sell or distribute on your behalf at the inaugural Arts Atlantic Symposium.

Collage of books. Text reads: Be part of the Arts Atlantic Symposium Book fair! Logos of the Arts Atlantic Symposium and Arts Link NB.

There is no commission; rather, the cost to sell or distribute is the donation of a copy of your publication to our Lending Library:

If you have any questions or would like a submission form, please feel free to reach out to hailey@artslinknb.com


Where are we?
Where are we going?
And how will we get there?

Wayfinding brings together a group of ten artists, of varied disciplines and diverse practices, all based in so-called New Brunswick.

Catherine Arseneault
Maryse Arseneault
Angela Beek
Jean-Michel Cliche
Tara Francis
Thandiwe McCarthy
Jesse Mea
Christiana Myers
Brittany Schuler
Starlit Simon

A result of the third installment of the Cross Cultural Creation Residency, Wayfinding is a partnership between ArtsLink NB, l’Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du N-B, and Mawi’Art.

Opening Friday, September 9 at 5pm, at the Saint John Arts Centre.

Exhibition curated by Amy Ash.

FB Event is here: https://fb.me/e/2KJ1kpXz3

Call for Expressions of Interest: Join the ArtsLink NB Board 📣

Are you passionate about arts and culture and the vibrancy of our province? Join our board! ArtsLink NB is looking for professional artists and arts enthusiasts to help steer our organization.

ArtLink NB: The arts are vital for all New Brunswickers. Join our board! Respond by Sept 20th

Founded in 2009, ArtsLink NB is a member-based arts service organization with a mandate to foster the sector’s contributions to a dynamic and prosperous province. We believe the arts are vital to all New Brunswickers.

Please respond by Sep. 20th, 2022, by emailing julie@artslinknb.com or for more information!

CATAPULT Fall Application Deadline: September 5th, 2022 🗓

Upcoming CATAPULT application deadline: Monday, September 5th, 2022.

CATAPULT Arts Accelerator. Applications due Septmber 5th. Apply today. artslinkcatapult.com

A reminder that applications to the CATAPULT Arts Accelerator for the fall of 2022 are due by Monday, September 5th, 2022.

CATAPULT is all about helping you to be purposeful and organized about the business side of your artistic practice.

Writer and performer Thandiwe McCarthy. Text reads, CATAPULT Arts Accelerator. Master the business side of your creative practices. Applications now open winter 2022 session. September 24 - November 27, 2022. Friday 6-9 and Saturday 9-4. Application deadline, September 5. www.artslinkcatapult.com

New Brunswick-based artists or groups/collectives working in any discipline are welcome to apply.

To learn more about the program and how to apply, visit the CATAPULT website:

[Image: Writer and performer Thandiwe McCarthy. Text reads, CATAPULT Arts Accelerator. Master the business side of your creative practices. Applications now open winter 2022 session. September 24 – November 27, 2022. Friday 6-9 and Saturday 9-4. Application deadline, September 5. www.artslinkcatapult.com ]

Glass artist Heather McCaig holds up glass blown blossoms while standing in a field. Text reads: CATAPULT Arts Accelerator. Fall 2022 session, Saint John/online. September 24 to November 27. Apply by September 5, 2022. www.artslinkcatapult.com Explore the business side of your creative practice.

CATAPULT Applications for Fall 2022 Open Monday, August 8 🗓

ArtsLink NB’s CATAPULT Arts Accelerator gives New Brunswick artists the tools to be prolific and build sustainable careers.

Glass artist Heather McCaig holds up glass blown blossoms while standing in a field. Text reads: CATAPULT Arts Accelerator. Fall 2022 session, Saint John/online. September 24 to November 27. Apply by September 5, 2022. www.artslinkcatapult.com Explore the business side of your creative practice.

The Fall 2022 session will be a hybrid of online sessions and in-person meetings in Saint John, NB. The program will run on Friday evenings and full days on Saturday from September 24th to November 27th.Applications will be accepted as of August 8th, and the application deadline is September 5th.Over an 8-week period, CATAPULT participants receive training in fundamental entrepreneurial skills like business modelling, marketing, branding, financial planning, and exporting.

Guest speakers and facilitators for the CATAPULT workshops are drawn both from the business and professional art community. Participants also receive one-on-one coaching from the program coordinator and formal mentorships from individuals operating at the top of their field.

See the CATAPULT website for full details: https://www.artslinkcatapult.com/

Resonance New Music at the Saint John Arts Centre 🎻

Two of our summer interns, Jean Schnell and Lessa Thornton, were able to attend The Saint John Arts Centre Summer Classics Series, which has been ongoing throughout July and August.

Robin Streb, Nadia Francavilla, and Andrew Reed-Miller of Resonance New Music playing violin, viola, and bass at the Saint John Arts Centre.
Robin Streb, Nadia Francavilla, and Andrew Reed-Miller of Resonance New Music

This event has two more days of lunchtime performances on August 10th and 17th. Todays performance showcased Resonance New Music with Andrew Reed-Miller, Robin Streb, and Nadia Francavilla.

The group was well synchronized and each instrument complimented the other. They applied their talents thoughtfully and used their instruments in a very unique way. It was an enriching experience.

ArtsLink recommends you visit the remaining shows by Tim Blackmore on August 10th and the Carleton Chamber Players on the 17th!

Both are at 12:15pm at the Saint John Arts Centre. For more information, see the schedule here.

Carte Blance Acadie 🩰

We are preparing for the 4th edition of Carte Blanche Acadie!

Purple and black text on a yellow background: Carte Blanche, Call for Submissions: Deadline September 9, carteblanche.acadie@gmail.com An evening of dance, Saturday, November 26th, 2022 @8pm, Salle Bernard-Leblanc, Centre culturel Aberdeen, Moncton
Carte Blanche Call for Submissions: Deadline September 9, carteblanche.acadie@gmail.com An evening of dance, Saturday, November 26th, 2022 @8pm, Salle Bernard-Leblanc, Centre culturel Aberdeen, Moncton

Organized as part of Strategy Dance 2022, in partnership with the Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick (AAAPNB) and ArtsLink NB, Carte Blanche Acadie offers a performance opportunity for dancers from New Brunswick and the Atlantic provinces, whether they are Francophone, Anglophone, First Nations or allophone.

Through this event, we hope to create strategies and develop the dance community together, since dance is an art form free of language barriers.

The 4th edition of Carte Blanche Acadie will take place on November 26th, 2022, at the Bernard-LeBlanc Hall at the Aberdeen Cultural Centre, Moncton, NB, at 8 p.m. The event will be followed the next day by a business meeting to discuss the development of the dance scene. This meeting will be conducted in both official languages, English and French, at the Aberdeen Cultural Centre.

This is a wonderful opportunity to come to Moncton for a weekend dedicated to the Art of Dance! Carte Blanche Acadie (November 26th, 8 PM-10 PM) The aim of Carte Blanche Acadie is to offer a platform adapted to the needs of dance artists during which they can present work. The maximum length of each presentation will be 10 minutes. Whether the project is in the research stage, in development or about to be completed, the only criteria to participate is to have something to share. Even improvisation is more than welcome.

You would only have to specify what you would like to show in the application form. The presence of peers and an informed audience will allow you to have feedback on your work whether it is vocal or sensory.

Presenting, sharing and discussing in an inclusive environment are the objectives of Carte Blanche. In addition to providing a platform to perform, we will be providing a video of your performance as well as photographs that you can use for grants and future applications. Each act will receive an honorarium. The money accumulated at the door (in the form of a voluntary contribution) will also be divided equally between the acts and given to the person/company who submitted the project.

As for the selection process, we would like to accept as many projects as possible, but if we do not have enough time, as we will only have 2 hours for the event, we will draw candidates by lottery. Preference will be given for artists from the Atlantic provinces.

The chosen artists will be responsible for covering their own travel and accommodation expenses. Nevertheless, we can supply a letter of invitation to those who wish to submit a travel grant application. It may also be possible to find housing among local artists.

Please fill out the attached application form here.

The deadline for submissions is Friday, September 9th, 2022.

We will let you know by the end of September if your application was successful.For any questions, please write to: carteblanche.acadie@gmail.com

CMAC Application Deadline 🗓

Equip yourself with the tools to confidently lead and manage your arts or culture organization!

Apply to the CMAC program now. Application Deadline: August. 12, 2022.

Four students stand in front of a white board. Text reads CMAC, Contemporary Management in Arts and Culture. UNB College of Extended Learning. New Nouveau Brunswick, Canada. ArtsLink NB: The arts are vital to all New Bru

Only 16 placements available:

  • Comprehensive practical training for aspiring leaders in the arts and cultural sectors.
  • Fully online and designed for working professionals.
  • Presented in a contemporary and Canadian perspective.
  • Led by highly experienced professionals.

The first of its kind in Atlantic Canada, the UNB Centre for Musical Arts is proud to offer our brand-new certificate in Contemporary Management in Arts & Culture.

This certificate is designed for those entering or beginning their careers in arts administration and management who wish to bolster their knowledge and skills. Participants will learn about everything they need to know to effectively lead and influence their organization in the Canadian arts landscape of today.

You will become a confident leader by balancing your passion and dedication with a comprehensive knowledge base of managing in arts, culture, and heritage in the contemporary Canadian landscape.

For more information and the application, go here.

CreatedHere Scholarship 🎓

CreatedHere Magazine, which ran from from 2015 to 2022, ceased publication this year. We are very sad to see it go, but its legacy will continue in two forms.

A french press of coffee sits next to an opened copy of CreatedHere magazine, a pair of reading glasses, and a coffee mug. Text reads, the CreatedHere Scholarship.

ArtsLink NB is pleased to announce that we will archive and maintain its back issues, which can be found at www.createdhere.ca.

In addition, CreatedHere’s remaining funds after closure were endowed to the NBCC Foundation ($20,243) to fund an annual $700 scholarship to NBCCD students. The NBCC Foundation is a charitable organization that administers annual scholarships and bursaries to students studying at NBCC, NBCCD, and CCNB.

CreatedHere: Art Within Reach

It will be awarded annually to the student with the highest standing in the first year writing course (currently: ENGL1001: The Language of Art and Design) within the Foundation Visual Arts (FVA) program.
The student must be in good academic standing in the FVA program (with a minimum CGPA of 2.0).
The scholarship will begin in the 2023/24 academic year. Eligible students will receive details at that time.

For full details, visit www.createdhere.ca/scholarship