
We are excited to announce that the Experts on Call pilot program has officially launched!

Whether you want to improve your understanding of Google Analytics, get actionable tips for digital marketing, optimize your SEO strategies, enhance your online presence, or even learn about UX and accessibility best practices, our Experts on Call pilot program is here to help you reach your goals!

Digital Connections. Experts on Call, ArtsLink NB. The arts are vital to all New Brunswickers.

You can book a training appointment now with one of our experts! Experts On Call is designed to provide artists and arts organizations with resources and access to digital experts by booking online training appointments with them.

There are four experts on our Experts on Call network, with expertise in areas such as Digital Marketing, SEO, UX and Web Accessibility, Google Analytics, etc. Each organization is given an allowance of two training appointments per calendar month, which you can use however you wish.

Each training appointment is one hour. To book a training appointment, go to this link and click the “Book Now” button.