
One 2 Ones: Social Media with Cait Milberry 💬

Our next One 2 One session will be Social Media with Cait Milberry.

Spots are limited for these consultations: They are first come, first served.

Registration is now open for time slots on March 6, 7, and 8. You can sign up at this link: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/er2oNpEe/vote

March 6-8, 2023. One 2 One. Social Media with Cait Milberry.

Social media is an extremely integral part of your art business, but it can be extremely overwhelming. Where should you focus your energy? What’s the difference between Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter? Should you be on Snapchat or TikTok? How do you avoid endless scrolling? Cait Milberry will answer your questions and help you develop a sustainable strategy that works for you.

Cait is a strategic advisor and marketing manager with over a decade of experience working with brands, bands, and various businesses across North America. Her focus is building and implementing sustainable strategies and creating content that backs them up.

Time slots are available for Zoom or in-person meetings (in-person sessions will take place at the ArtsLink NB office at 228 Germain St. in Saint John).

One 2 Ones: Canada Council Grants: Explore and Create 🧭

We’re announcing that our next One 2 One session, “Canada Council Grants: Explore and Create,” will be on February 27th, 2023.

Image of a licence plate with the words "ArtsLink NB One 2 One: Advice tailor made for your success" written on it. Additional text reads: Canada Council Grants Information Session. February 27, 2023, 12 pm

Information Session

There will be a one-hour information session, which doesn’t require pre-registration, followed by One 2 One time slots that can be booked. These sessions are for ArtsLink NB members. If you don’t already have a membership, you can sign up here.

The one-hour information session is open both to participants of the One 2 One sessions and anyone else who is interested. Join us on Monday, February 27th, at 12pm AST.

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85677223094?pwd=eHQ2R2hOVjUxWXRHSzlENVpkeUlSUT09
Meeting ID: 856 7722 3094
Passcode: 914769

Image of a licence plate with the words "ArtsLink NB One 2 One: Advice tailor made for your success" written on it. Additional text reads: Demystifying Canada Council Grants Info Session and one on ones with CCA program officers

One 2 Ones

This One 2 One session will have you working with program officers from the Canada Council for the Arts to help demystify the Canada Council granting process and figure out which grants you are eligible to apply for. Sessions will be designed to support research, development, creation, and production of work for artists.

One 2 One Registration

One 2 One spots are now fully booked.

Cross-Cultural Creation Residency Applicant Info Session 🌳

Are you in interested in applying for this year’s Cross-Cultural Creation Residency?

Potential applicants are invited to join Jericho Knopp, Programming Director with ArtsLink NB, for a short presentation about the residency followed by Q&A session.

Illustration of a forest by a river. Text reads: CCCR Applicant Info Session. February 14 @ 12pm via Zoom. Cross-Cultural Creation Residency. Followed by Q&A session with ArtsLink NB's programming director Jericho Knopp

Where: Via Zoom

When: February 14 @ 12 pm

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84620945940pwd=UUFIRXJIbitmSEtPUTNDVmxsOHdkUT09

Meeting ID: 846 2094 5940

Passcode: 603379

Mawi’Art: Wabanaki Artist Collective, in collaboration with ArtsLink NB and L’Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick (AAAPNB), is hosting the fourth Cross-Cultural Creation Residency, June 16-25, 2023 in Metepenagiag.

The 10-day residency will take place at Metepenagiag Heritage Park and Outdoor Lodge, and artists will have the opportunity to work on a personal project as well as exchange creative energy and cultural wisdom with eight other artists.

The deadline to apply is February 19th, 2023.

Details on how to apply are here:

Cross-Cultural Creation Residency 2023

Cross-Cultural Creation Residency

Three Indigenous artists
Three Francophone artists
Three Anglophone artists
Ten days of creative companionship

(document en français ci-dessous)

Mawi’Art: Wabanaki Artist Collective is proud and honoured to collaborate with ArtsLink NB and L’Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick (AAAPNB), to offer our fourth Cross-Cultural Creation Residency, June 16-25, 2023 in Metepenagiag.  The organizations are launching a call for 10 artists from the province’s three largest cultural groups: Indigenous, Francophone, and Anglophone artists. The 10-day residency will take place at Metepenagiag Heritage Park and Outdoor Lodge, and artists will have the opportunity to work on a personal project as well as exchange creative energy and cultural wisdom with eight other artists.

Call to Artists. Cross-Cultural Creation Residency

Residency Information

The theme of this year’s Cross-Cultural Creation residency will be Netakulimk.  This is a teaching shared by Elder Albert Marshall of Esksoni First Nation, who will join the artists during the residency.  Netakulimk is described as “the use of the natural bounty provided by the Creator for the self-support and well-being of the individual and the community.”  Western thinkers might understand this to mean simply “sustainability” but as Elder Albert will teach us, Netakulimk encompasses core aspects of humanness; interconnectedness; and the four core values of respect, responsibility, relationship, and reciprocity.


Metepenagiag Heritage Park and Outdoor Lodge and the surrounding land and water will ground artists in the natural environment and the deep connections to land and place experienced by Indigenous peoples.  This place-based experience, steeped in the history of a “village of 30 centuries,” will provide artists with opportunities to reflect on the meaning of ancestry, their own ancestral lines, and the relationships between past, present, and future generations.  Artists will be welcome to walk the grounds, participate in a group paddle on the Miramichi River, harvest materials in support of their artistic practice from the woods and water, and create in and of a natural environment as people have done in this place for thousands of years. 

The selected artists will stay in Metepenagiag Outdoor Lodge, each in a private room.  Meals and housekeeping will be provided to the artists to maximize the time they are able to devote to their practice, to time alone, and voluntary group activities.  We will host evening fires, storytelling, and other Indigenous cultural offerings.

Residency Goals

  • To encourage artistic exploration and the creation of new works, by creating in healthy conditions conducive to artist creation
  • To contribute to the increasing quality of artistic work in NB
  • To facilitate collaboration and the sharing of expertise
  • To create significant cultural bridges between the different communities in the province
  • To facilitate meetings between the artists and the public and help the public better understand the creation process.

The works that are created may be presented publicly in 2024. The artists will be given complete artistic freedom, and they will be asked to participate in a one-day Open Studio on June 24, 2023 to allow the community to learn about their creative processes.

The Selected Artists Will Be Expected To:

  1. Provide their own art supplies
  2. Interact with the other participating artists
  3. Publicly present their creations at the end of the residence in an exhibition 
  4. Submit a final report and evaluation to Mawi’Art: Wabanaki Artist Collective, ArtsLink NB, and l’AAAPNB,within 30 days of the end of the residency.
  5. Be available for the entirety of the residence, from June 16 – 25, 2023.

Who Can Apply?

  1. All professional artists, both emerging and established, are invited to apply for the residency (for more information on eligibility, see artsnb’s definition of a professional artist).
  2. The residency is open to Indigenous artists who are members of Mawi’Art, Francophone artists who are members of l’AAAPNB, and Anglophone artists who are members of ArtsLink NB.

How to Apply

Fill out the Google Form (English and French) in full, including a detailed project description (500-1500 words).

  • Attach your artist statement and artist cv to the Google Form.
  • Artists must be available for the full residency period, from June 16-25, 2023.

Selection Criteria

The applications will be evaluated by a peer jury. The jury will consider:

  1. The relevance and feasibility of the proposed project, given the location and technical capabilities of the location;
  2. The project’s originality and creativity;
  3. The potential impact of the project on the artist’s career.


Application deadline: Feb 19, 2023. March 3, 2023

Responses to candidates:  March 3, 2021. March 10, 2021.

What’s Included in the Residency

  • A $1,500 stipend
  • Reimbursement for travel costs, from the artist’s residence to the residency location (if over 50 km)
  • Lodging in private room with private bath in Metepenagiag Outdoor Lodge
  • All meals will be provided

If You Have Questions, Please Reach Out to US:

Shawn Dalton, Ph.D. — Executive Director

Mawi’Art: Wabanaki Artist Collective

550 Queen St., Fredericton NB, E3B 1B9



Moulay Ahmed Chbihi – Responsable des services aux artistes

l’Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick

140 rue Botsford bureau 29

Moncton N.-B. E1C 4X5


506.852.3313 ext. 226


Jeri Knopp – Programming Director

ArtsLink NB

89 Canterbury St., Suite 407, Saint John, NB, E2L 2C7


(506) 647-6201


This project is a collaborative partnership among Mawi’Art: Wabanaki Artist Collective, l’Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick, and ArtsLink NB and is made possible thanks to the Government of New Brunswick and the Canada Council for the Arts.

Résidence de création interculturelle

Trois artistes autochtones
Trois artistes francophones
Trois artistes anglophones

Résidence de création interculturelle 

Mawi’Art: Wabanaki Artist Collective est fier et honoré de collaborer avec ArtsLink NB et L’Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick (AAAPNB) pour offrir cette quatrième résidence de création interculturelle, du 16 au 25 juin 2023 à Metepenagiag. Les trois organismes lancent un appel pour trouver 10 artistes parmi les trois plus grands groupes culturels de la province : artistes autochtones, francophones et anglophones. La résidence de 10 jours aura lieu au Metepenagiag Heritage Park and Outdoor Lodge et les artistes auront l’occasion de travailler sur un projet personnel ainsi que d’échanger leur énergie créative et leur sagesse culturelle avec huit autres artistes.

Informations au sujet de la résidence

Le thème de la résidence de création interculturelle de cette année sera Netakulimk. Il s’agit d’un enseignement partagé par l’Aîné Albert Marshall de la Première Nation d’Esksoni, qui se joindra aux artistes pendant la résidence. Netakulimk est décrit comme “l’utilisation de la générosité naturelle fournie par le Créateur pour l’autosuffisance et le bien-être de l’individu et de la communauté”. Les penseurs occidentaux pourraient comprendre que cela signifie simplement « durabilité », mais comme l’Aîné Albert nous l’enseignera, Netakulimk englobe les aspects fondamentaux de l’humanité; interconnexion; et les quatre valeurs fondamentales que sont le respect, la responsabilité, la relation et la réciprocité.

Lieu de la résidence

Le lieu Metepenagiag Heritage Park and Outdoor Lodge ainsi que les terres et les eaux environnantes ancreront les artistes dans l’environnement naturel et les liens profonds avec la terre ainsi que les lieux vécus par les peuples autochtones. Cette expérience basée sur l’endroit, ancrée dans l’histoire d’un «village vieux de 30 siècles», offrira aux artistes des occasions de réfléchir sur le sens de l’ascendance, leurs propres lignées ancestrales et les relations entre les générations passées, présentes et futures. Les artistes seront invités à marcher sur le terrain, à participer à une pagaie de groupe sur la rivière Miramichi, à récolter des matériaux afin d’appuyer leur pratique artistique dans les bois et dans l’eau, et à créer dans un environnement naturel comme les gens l’ont fait à cet endroit depuis des millénaires.

Les artistes sélectionné.e.s séjourneront au Metepenagiag Outdoor Lodge, chacun.e dans une chambre privée. Les repas et l’entretien ménager seront fournis aux artistes afin de maximiser le temps qu’ils pourront consacrer à leur pratique, aux moments en solitaire ainsi qu’aux activités de groupe. Nous organiserons des feux de camps pendant les soirées où des contes seront partagés ainsi que d’autres activités culturelles autochtones. 

Buts et objectifs de la résidence

  • Encourager l’exploration artistique et la création d’œuvres nouvelles, en créant dans des conditions saines propices à la prolifération artistique
  • Contribuer à la qualité croissante du travail artistique au N.-B
  • Faciliter la collaboration et le partage d’expertise
  • Créer des ponts culturels significatifs entre les différentes communautés de la province
  • Faciliter les rencontres entre les artistes et le public et aider le public à mieux comprendre le processus de création.

Les œuvres créées seront présentées publiquement en 2024. Les artistes bénéficieront d’une liberté artistique complète et seront invité.e.s à participer à une journée « Open Studio » le 24 juin 2023 pour permettre à la communauté de découvrir leurs processus de création. 

Ce que nous attendons des artistes sélectionne.e.s

  1. Fournir leurs propres fournitures et matériels
  2. Interagir avec les autres artistes participant.e.s
  3. Présenter publiquement leurs créations à la fin de la résidence lors d’une exposition
  4. Soumettre un rapport final et une évaluation à Mawi’Art : Wabanaki Artist Collective, ArtsLink NB et à l’AAAPNB, dans les 30 jours qui suivent la fin de la résidence.
  5. Être disponible pendant toute la durée de la résidence, du 16 au 25 juin 2023.

Qui peut soumettre sa candidature?

1. Les artistes professionnel.le..e.s, en voie de professionnalisation, les artistes émergents et les établis sont tous invité.e.s à postuler pour la résidence (pour plus d’informations sur l’éligibilité, voir la définition d’artsnb d’un artiste professionnel).

2. La résidence est ouverte aux artistes autochtones membres de Mawi’Art, aux artistes francophones membres de l’AAAPNB et aux artistes anglophones membres d’ArtsLink NB.

Comment Postuler?

Remplissez le formulaire Google au complet (anglais et français), en y intégrant  une description détaillée du projet (500-1500 mots).

  • Joignez votre déclaration d’artiste et votre CV d’artiste au formulaire Google.
  • Assurez-vous d’être disponibles tout au long de la période de résidence, du 16 au 25 juin 2023.

Critéres de selection

Les candidatures seront évaluées par un jury de pairs. Le jury prendra en compte :

1. La pertinence et la faisabilité du projet proposé, en prenant en considération les capacités techniques liées à l’emplacement;

2. L’originalité et la créativité du projet;

3. L’impact potentiel du projet sur la carrière de l’artiste.


Date limite de candidature : 19 février 2023. 3 mars 2023

Réponses aux candidats : 3 mars 2023. 10 mars 2023

Ce que est inclus dans la residence

  • Un cachet de 1 500 $ par artiste
  • Les frais de déplacement sont remboursés, en fonction de la distance entre le lieu d’habitation de l’artiste et le  lieu de la résidence (si plus de 50 km)
  • L’hébergement en chambre privée avec salle de bain privée au Metepenagiag Outdoor Lodge
  • Tous les repas seront fournis

Pour toute question contactez-nous : 

Shawn Dalton, Ph.D. — Executive Director

Mawi’Art: Wabanaki Artist Collective

550 Queen St., Fredericton NB, E3B 1B9



Moulay Ahmed Chbihi – Responsable des services aux artistes

Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick

140 rue Botsford bureau 29

Moncton N.-B. E1C 4X5


506.852.3313 ext. 226


Jeri Knopp – Programming Director

ArtsLink NB

89 Canterbury St., Suite 407, Saint John, NB, E2L 2C7


(506) 647-6201


Ce projet est un partenariat de collaboration entre Mawi’Art: Wabanaki Artist Collective, l’Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick et ArtsLink NB et est rendu possible grâce au gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick et au Conseil des arts du Canada.

ArtsLink Seeks Programming Director (Maternity Leave)


ArtsLink NB is seeking applications for a Programming Director (maternity leave). Applications will be accepted until January 20, 2023, and the position starts February 15, 2023.

We're Hiring. artslinknb.com/news ArtsLink NB. The arts are vital to all New Brunswickers

Who Is ArtsLink NB?

ArtsLink NB is a member-based arts service organization, founded in 2009 to advance the arts in New Brunswick by linking and unifying artists and arts organizations and promoting their value. We represent New Brunswick artists of all disciplines from across the province.

Position Summary 

Reporting to the Executive Director and working collaboratively with the ArtsLink NB team, the Programming Director (PD) acts as a resource person supporting artists in their professional development and devises and coordinates ArtsLink’s professional development programs. 

Key responsibilities are the development and successful implementation of the CATAPULT Arts Accelerator curriculum, professional development programs, and residency programs while working closely with our strategic partners. In addition, the PD is responsible for grant writing, program development, and recruitment of facilitators and mentors.

The PD is the primary point of contact for these programs and their participants and will be responsible for handling all inquiries and concerns. 

The PD must be organized, detail-oriented, adaptable, and a collaborative self-starter with strong planning and facilitation skills. Reporting to the ED, the PD must manage relationships with numerous partners. PD will develop and execute on program timelines and manage program logistics and data collection for evaluation.

Job Brief 

Duties and responsibilities 

The PD will oversee and implement ArtsLink’s programs. In anticipation of successful funding, this individual will complete the following tasks:

  • Recruit participants
  • Implement proposed curriculum, further develop curriculum and programming as needed
  • Work within project budgets as outlined in approved project proposal
  • Complete reports required by funders, and partners (as applicable)
  • Maintain and cultivate relationships with funders
  • Plan, book speakers, book catering, book meeting spaces, and provide other logistics as needed
  • Assist in the promotion of programming
  • Report to the ED weekly on implementation, budgets matters, and program needs
  • Coordinate and administer project evaluations
  • Maintain administrative systems for projects
  • Provide full reporting to the ED for review one month prior to reporting deadlines

Knowledge, Skills, and Qualifications

Language Requirements: Business is generally conducted in English. Bilingualism is considered an asset.

Start Date: February 15, 2023

Type of Work: Contract, full-time, Monday to Friday. Occasional work during off-hours and weekends. Some travel through New Brunswick may be required, so must have a valid driver’s license.

Compensation: $50,000-$54,000 depending on experience. ArtsLink NB is an equal opportunity employer and offers a flexible and engaging work environment. 

Term: 10-month contract (maternity leave).

Place of work: ArtsLink NB’s offices are located in Saint John, NB. Candidates are welcome to propose working remotely, although periodic in-person meetings will be required. 

Application Deadline: Jan 20, 2023.

How to Apply

Send your cover letter and resume to Julie@artslinknb.com by Jan 20, 2023, at 5 pm.

UNB College of Extended Learning: Financial Management Essentials 📈

Short Intensive Course – 20 hours over two weeks in January 2023

  • On demand/asynchronous – 12 hours of readings, lectures, and exercises
  • Plus, live online 8 hours – 4 hrs for two consecutive Saturdays, 10am to 12pm & 1pm to 3pm

About the Course

No matter what role you play in an arts and cultural organization, understanding its financial foundation is critical to your and the organization’s success. Understanding how to best manage finances will help to ensure that the resources needed to plan and realize programming are secured and maintained. You will also be better equipped to communicate with a range of stakeholders including boards, funders, donors, members, lenders, etc. This course is designed to provide this basic understanding.

For more details, and a course outline, go here.

Woman looks at a chart chart on a computer screen. Text reads: Financial Management Essentials.

Registrants should apply early as enrolment is limited. Deadline to register is Jan. 17, 2023.

Date: Jan. 23 to Feb. 4, 2023
 $250 (+HST)
Instructor: Heather Young

CATAPULT Winter 2023: Applications Now Open ❄️

ArtsLink NB’s CATAPULT Arts Accelerator gives artists the tools to be prolific + build sustainable careers. Business skills training, career development, workshops, and mentorship – all in one program.

CATAPULT Arts Accelerator: Explore the business side of your creative practice. Application deadline: January 12th, 2023. www.artslinkcatapult.com


February 3 to April 12 | Fridays 6-9 pm & Saturdays 9-4 pm

APPLICATIONS OPEN: December 16, 2022.

APPLY BY: January 12, 2023

Artists need the work habits that would allow any entrepreneur or small business owner to succeed in their field. Good time management. Solid record keeping and sound financial management. Effective self-promotion and professionalization of your brand. Telling a good story and being heard. Knowing how to write a contract. CATAPULT is all about helping you to be purposeful and organized about the business side of your artistic practice.

All the details on how to apply, eligibility, and program curriculum: www.artslinkcatapult.com

Questions? Email catapult@artslinknb.com

CATAPULT Virtual Pitch Day: Fall 2022

Come meet the artists of the Fall 2022 CATAPULT Arts Accelerator cohort!

Meet the Artists. CATAPULT Arts Accelerator

Join us on Facebook Live at 10am on Saturday, November 27th to hear pitches from the artists about their work and their artistic practice.

CJ Norris
Monika Ouellet (Lazermortis)
Lindsay Hazen (Stellaleona)
Olivia Thomson
Crystal Drew
Mihail Milchenko
Kate Halliday

Presentations on Facebook Live will begin at 10am followed by an opportunity for a short Q&A.

About the CATAPULT Arts Accelerator

The CATAPULT Arts Accelerator is an interdisciplinary training and mentorship program for artists. Over an 8-week period, CATAPULT participants receive training in fundamental entrepreneurial skills like business modelling, marketing, branding, financial planning, and exporting. Guest speakers and facilitators for the CATAPULT workshops are drawn both from the business and professional art community. Participants also receive one-on-one coaching from the program coordinator and formal mentorships from individuals operating at the top of their field.

At the end of each session the artists are invited to present their work at a Pitch Day. Pitches from previous cohorts are available on the CATAPULT website.

Arts Atlantic Symposium Call for Volunteers! 📣

The Arts Atlantic Symposium needs your help!

Volunteer opportunities include welcoming delegates and presenters, directing delegates to the correct project location, and providing support at the venues.

Future Possible. Conference + Contemporary Arts Festival, Call for Volunteers. Arts Atlantic Symposium, 21-13 October, 2022, Saint John.

Volunteers who commit to two 3-4 hour shifts will receive a FREE AAS General Admission ticket ($225 value), complimentary AAS t-shirt, and a swag kit.

Use the volunteer form to sign up now.

Dates: 21-23 October 2022

Location: Saint John, NB

ArtsLink NB Annual General Meeting 2022 Notice 📣

ArtsLink NB’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday, Oct. 22 in conjunction with the Arts Atlantic Symposium. Join us at 8:45 am at the Delta Conference room in Saint John. Breakfast will be served. Remote viewing and voting will also be offered for all members. 

ArtsLink NB AGM Saturday, October 22, 8:45am, Delta Conference Centre, Saint John, NB

You are encouraged to join us in person to look back at the past year and vote in new Board members for the coming year. 

ArtsLink offers a travel subsidy for members to attend our AGM, more information can be found here.

More information will be circulated to all members in good standing closer to the date. Please send any questions to Hailey@artslinknb.com.

ArtsLink NB is committed to providing a safe, inclusive space for our members to gather and share, please see our Accessibility notes for more details.