NBCCD is pleased to announce that Advanced Student Practice (ASP) student, Laura Boudreau, whose work is inspired by the traditional fencing of Fredericton’s Officers’ Square, has been awarded this year’s Brigitte Clavette Merit Bursary.
Photo credit: Caitlin Dutt
Photo reference: The attached photo includes the following people from L-R:
Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation (SHMF) Board of Directors Vice-Chair Suzanne Hill, NBCCD Director Dr. Carrie Nolan, NBCCD Associate Dean Jared Peters, SHMF Executive Director Kathyrn McCarroll, Recipient of the Brigitte Clavette Merit Bursary Laura Boudreau, NBCCD Jewellery/Metal Arts Instructor and award namesake Brigitte Clavette. 
Media requests can be sent to Associate Dean Jared Peters at jared.peters@gnb.ca.