
Hill Strategies Research released a satellite report today (12 March, 2024) summarizing the findings of the Cultural Venues Survey that was circulated this past summer.

“Impacts and Challenges of Cultural Venues in New Brunswick: Summary of Survey Responses” is available to read and download.

The survey results provide evidence of many aspects of the well-being of cultural venues in New Brunswick. Regarding their top strengths and concerns, community engagement is perceived as a key area of strength for cultural venues, and funding is an area of significant concern (both government funding and earned revenues).

This is a “satellite report” of a larger research project into the impacts and challenges of cultural venues in New Brunswick. The project’s Steering Committee includes Julie Whitenect of ArtsLink NB, Laurence Dubuc of AAAPNB, Emily Falvey of the Owens Art Gallery, as well as visual artist, curator, and educator Emma Hassencahl-Perley.  

The project, which will be completed in the spring of 2024, is supported by the Canada Council for the Arts and the Government of New Brunswick.