
The Charlotte Street Arts Centre is a unique community in Fredericton that sustains, promotes and develops the arts by providing access to an essential hub of professional resources, facilities and dynamic programming within the New Brunswick community, and strives to make arts experiences available to all. 

As with any charitable non-profit, CSAC is continuously fundraising to provide quality programming and services. This summer, they have several exciting camps, events, and showcases happening.

The CSAC will be welcoming new participants into Healing HeARTS, a monthly program in partnership with NB Copes and the Fredericton Community Foundation, which helps youth work through grief and loss with expressive arts.

The CSAC is also holding Open Your Art, an Art Intensive Summer Camp that gives youth designers an opportunity to dive deeper into their own individual art process & projects happening during the weeks of July 12 to 16, and July 12 to 23.

During the week of July 26 to 30, the CSAC is hosting Girls+ Rock! Camp, a week-long camp for girls, trans and gender non-conforming people aged 11-18 to learn instruments, write songs and rock out on stage with a final showcase on July 30th.

On August 7th, CSAC will be welcoming Julien Dionne and Jen Grant for An Evening of Stand-Up Comedy.

As well, Back to Our Roots, New Horizons multi-disciplinary art & theatre programming for seniors, will be held during the week of August 16th to 20th with follow up activities for the public to come. 

Ongoing throughout the summer, the CSAC Selfie Station Installation by Fredericton Arts Alliance can be found, a part of Melanie Courcelle’s FAA residency.

And later on in the year, from October 1 to 3 the CSAC will host FEST FORWARD 2021, as well as the Music NB Showcases and Awards from October 19 to 23.

The CSAC has some galleries they are currently showing including Reflections and Recollections by Laura Forrester in the Charlotte Glencross Gallery, FR/AG/MENTED F/OOD by Katie Hamill in the Penny Gallery, both showing from May 13 to July 19, and the Connexion ARC Members’ Show showing from July 22 to September 6. 

To stay updated on these workshops and future events, check out the News section of the Charlotte Street Arts Centre website, and check out their social media pages here:




Artists can apply for their gallery at any time. To do so, visit here.