
This summer, Galerie d’art Louise-et-Reuben-Cohen presents Give Me Shelter, a touring exhibition organized by the Confederation Centre Art Gallery.

This exhibition is composed of the works of 13 emerging artists of St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, whose pieces show unusual ways of representing their own realities. Pan Wendt, curator, explains: “St. John’s, which for many of these artists is an adopted home, seems particularly hospitable to autonomous, creative, sometimes makeshift solutions. Perhaps this is because it is a place where modernity runs out of steam, where one knows the fragility of inhabitation, and of the constant need to make, remake, and protect the worlds that surround us. What artists are doing in St. John’s can inform us as we face an uncertain reality that demands imaginative and constructive energy.”

Give Me Shelter is organized and circulated with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts. The exhibition will open on Saturday, June 26, and run until October 3, 2021. Admission is free and all are welcome.

Galerie d’art Louise-et-Reuben-Cohen of the Université de Moncton is supported by the Canada Council for the Arts and the Department of Tourism, Heritage, and Culture of New-Brunswick.

Information: Nisk Imbeault, Director-Curator, Galerie d’art Louise-et-Reuben-Cohen: (506) 858-4687 / nisk.imbeault@umoncton.ca
405 Université Ave / Post: 18 Antonine-Maillet Ave, Moncton, NB, E1A 3E9 / (506) 858-4088 / galrc@umoncton.ca / umoncton.ca/umcm-ga