
Our Programming Director, Jericho Knopp, has finished cataloging this spring’s new acquisitions to ArtsLink NB’s Lending Library, and she’s crunched some numbers.

📚The Lending Library now offers:

  • 98 ebooks
  • 12 audiobooks
  • 33 pieces of equipment
  • 110 magazines
  • 525 books

New equipment this year includes: a mirrorless camera, two easels (one portable), and a block printing press, as well as a coil binding machine and an overhead transparency projector that were donated to us!

All of these items are free for our members to check out.

To see all of our new physical books, go to our Tiny cat page and browse new additions


To see our new digital editions, go to our Libby page and sort by “date added.”


Thanks to the New Brunswick department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour for funding this project.