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Open Call

September 22, 2020

UMBRELLA PROJECTS is a collaborative venture of the Owens Art Gallery and Struts Gallery & Faucet Media Arts Centre. It was initiated to facilitate new off-site programming during the pandemic and it seeks to support artists in reimagining their work outside the confines of the gallery. We invite artists from across Canada and abroad to submit proposals for art projects to take place between now and the spring of 2021. These works should be presented outside the traditional gallery space while also taking into consideration safety precautions surrounding COVID-19. Rather than dictate the parameters of these works, our aim is to be responsive to artists, support their ideas, and provide funding and logistical support for their envisioned projects. Please note that artists that reside outside of the Atlantic Bubble cannot travel to Sackville and they should therefore propose projects that can be realized remotely. Proposals may include community projects, billboards, online activities, projects in print, speculative works, mail art, banners, posters, temporary public works, workshops, instructional works, public interventions, etc. Applications should include a one-page description of the proposed project, a budget, 10 images and/or links to past works, and a curriculum vitae. Artists will be paid fees consistent with the current CARFAC fee schedule. Submissions should be sent via WeTransfer to info@umbrellaprojects.ca. Deadline for submissions: 1 November 2020


September 22, 2020


New Brunswick Canada