Auditions for Buffy, the Vampire Slayer: β€œOnce More With Feeling!” with Herbert the Cow Productions.


Auditions for Buffy the Musical

Monday, May. 8th, 6 – 8 pm
No appointment necessary. Come in anytime from 6 – 8. An audition should take approximately 15 minutes.

Monarch Nightclub – 474 Queen Street
If necessary, call backs will take place on Monday, May. 15th from 6 – 8 pm.
The show will be staged November. 22nd to 25th, with weekly rehearsals starting in late August.
There are 9 characters to cast + 3 supporting roles who will play various minor characters.
We are looking for acting and singing ability. Sides will be provided, but if you have a preferred monologue bring it along! Choose your song to sing! (anything at all but remember to show us your range)