
Honeybee Folk School: Call for Instructors 🐝

The Honeybee Folk School is seeking instructors for our Night Course Series and Fall Gathering at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design. At the Honeybee Folk School, we are passionate about lifelong learning, keeping traditional skills alive, inspiring creativity, and fostering a regenerative living mindset. Apply now and become a part of this teaching community!

Image of a basket being woven. Text reads: "Call for instructors. Applications du May 15, 2022"

We are looking for instructors who teach workshops in the following areas and more:

  • basketry
  • beekeeping
  • ceramics
  • in the kitchen
  • jewellery/metal arts
  • northern ecology
  • natural wellness and wellbeing
  • permaculture/gardening
  • painting/drawing
  • photography
  • digital and graphic design
  • sewing
  • sustainable living
  • textiles
  • traditional skills
  • Wabanaki arts
  • wild crafting and woodworking
  • and more!


Instructors are paid $34/hour + $25 to $50 for materials. Instructors can charge an additional material fee to attendees, payable to the instructor the day of the course.

To learn more and to apply: Instructor Application Form

Digital Now!

Digital Now! is a series of digital literacy workshops we’ll be running in March/April 2022. Open to artists of all disciplines, the series will offer FREE three-day workshops in Fredericton, Miramichi, Saint John and Moncton, exploring the creative possibilities of various digital creative platforms.
We’ve invested a lot into new play development over the years but have done little to support artists working in the area of design. Through a grant we received from the Canada Council for the Arts, we put this program together to make digital art education a real possibility for all NB artists, not just theatre folks!
On top of this, participants in the workshops will be able to then submit project proposals for a digital art showcase we’ll be hosting later in the year. Successful projects will receive one of ten $5000 commissions to create new work based on or informed by the tools presented in the workshops. ALL ARTISTS INTERESTED IN SUBMITTING PROPOSALS MUST TAKE ATTEND THE FREE TRAINING.


For Immediate Release – TNB Digital Now 2022

Saint John Arts Centre Launches ‘The Art Room’, New Kids’ Art Program

Saint John – Friday, April 23, 2021 – The Saint John Arts Centre (SJAC) has opened registrations in the first two of five workshops in a new art program for kids aged 9-12. Called ‘The Art Room’, the workshop series aims to promote the goals of its tagline: Artistic Pursuits / New Friends / Self-expression / Confidence.

Each workshop is 4 weeks long, with 2-hour classes per week on Saturdays. Students can register for any or all of these workshops as they are offered throughout the year. A strict class size limit of nine students will ensure social distancing, and masks will be mandatory for everyone, as per current Public Health guidelines.

The first two offerings begin on May 15th; ‘Let’s Draw’ (10am-12pm) is taught by the program’s developer, SJAC’s Education and Outreach Coordinator, Harriet Taylor, and ‘Create with Clay’ (1-3pm) is lead by professional ceramicist Danika Vautour. The other three workshops – ‘Let’s Paint’, ‘Fun with Printmaking’, and ‘Wild Art Studio’ (revolving topics), will launch later in the year.

‘The Art Room’ program provides keen young artists with an age-appropriate visual arts education that ignites creativity in a quality learning environment. Education in the visual arts fosters students’ exploration and expression of ideas while enhancing mental, emotional and motor skills, and students will benefit from forming new social connections with kids who share their interests.

“Encouraging kids in art exploration is not only fun, it can lead to a boost in self-confidence, motivation,
and overall performance in their schoolwork,” says Harriet Taylor, a veteran instructor and Academic Dean at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design before joining the staff of SJAC in February. “As they create, they also develop friendships and community.”

For more information, please contact:

Saint John Arts Centre
Harriet Taylor
Education and Outreach Coordinator


Kelly Cunningham
Promotions and Events Coordinator
Saint John Arts Centre
website: www.sjartscentre.ca

Office Hours: Tues-Sat: 9am-5pm

Call for Workshop Proposals

Deadline: April 30, 2021

Calling professional artists: AX, the Arts and Culture Centre of Sussex is currently seeking proposals for in-person, virtual, plein air and ceramics workshops to take place between July and December, 2021. We would like to offer workshops in a variety of areas such as visual arts, ceramic arts, fine craft, literary arts, the creative process and youth programming. The formats for these workshops can be half-day or full-day classes, week-long workshops, and online or after-school programs.

The deadline to submit your proposal for these workshops is April 30, 2021.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please visit the AX website to access our Workshop Proposal form.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the proposal process, please contact us at info@axartscentre.ca or 433-8351.