We are preparing for the 4th edition of Carte Blanche Acadie!

Organized as part of Strategy Dance 2022, in partnership with the Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick (AAAPNB) and ArtsLink NB, Carte Blanche Acadie offers a performance opportunity for dancers from New Brunswick and the Atlantic provinces, whether they are Francophone, Anglophone, First Nations or allophone.
Through this event, we hope to create strategies and develop the dance community together, since dance is an art form free of language barriers.
The 4th edition of Carte Blanche Acadie will take place on November 26th, 2022, at the Bernard-LeBlanc Hall at the Aberdeen Cultural Centre, Moncton, NB, at 8 p.m. The event will be followed the next day by a business meeting to discuss the development of the dance scene. This meeting will be conducted in both official languages, English and French, at the Aberdeen Cultural Centre.
This is a wonderful opportunity to come to Moncton for a weekend dedicated to the Art of Dance! Carte Blanche Acadie (November 26th, 8 PM-10 PM) The aim of Carte Blanche Acadie is to offer a platform adapted to the needs of dance artists during which they can present work. The maximum length of each presentation will be 10 minutes. Whether the project is in the research stage, in development or about to be completed, the only criteria to participate is to have something to share. Even improvisation is more than welcome.
You would only have to specify what you would like to show in the application form. The presence of peers and an informed audience will allow you to have feedback on your work whether it is vocal or sensory.
Presenting, sharing and discussing in an inclusive environment are the objectives of Carte Blanche. In addition to providing a platform to perform, we will be providing a video of your performance as well as photographs that you can use for grants and future applications. Each act will receive an honorarium. The money accumulated at the door (in the form of a voluntary contribution) will also be divided equally between the acts and given to the person/company who submitted the project.
As for the selection process, we would like to accept as many projects as possible, but if we do not have enough time, as we will only have 2 hours for the event, we will draw candidates by lottery. Preference will be given for artists from the Atlantic provinces.
The chosen artists will be responsible for covering their own travel and accommodation expenses. Nevertheless, we can supply a letter of invitation to those who wish to submit a travel grant application. It may also be possible to find housing among local artists.
Please fill out the attached application form here.
The deadline for submissions is Friday, September 9th, 2022.
We will let you know by the end of September if your application was successful.For any questions, please write to: carteblanche.acadie@gmail.com