ArtsLink NB memberships are inclusive and accessible!
Here are a few perks that we offer with our membership:
- Free AGM registration and eligibility for AGM travel subsidy
- Access to ArtsLink programming
- Professional development opportunities
- Events and news shared on ArtsLink online listing page
- Our regular newsletter
- Invitations to networking events
Choose the membership that suits you best:
For Artists:
Artist (Professional): An applicant/member or collective whose primary residence is in New Brunswick and who has specialized training, actively practices art and offers services in exchange for remuneration in one or more of the following disciplines: theatre, dance, music, visual art, literary art, and film.
Artist (Emerging): An applicant/member or collective whose primary residence is in New Brunswick and who is at the beginning of a professional career, is producing a growing body of work and has specialized training in the field (not necessarily from academic institutions), and a sustained commitment to the development of specialized artistic skills or knowledge. Emerging artist applicants/members are committed to reaching a professional level through training, mentorship,
Artist (Student): Student applicants/members are enrolled in a specialized arts program at a post-secondary institution in New Brunswick.
Artists can choose to sign up for our pay-what-you-can membership for a flexible payment amount.
For Organizations:
Any corporation (whether for-profit or not-for-profit) or association of two or more people with its primary corporate office in New Brunswick that supports artists and their activities through advocacy, grants, sponsorships or other means. Organization members are required to name a proxy, for purposes of voting at any meeting of members.
For Supporters:
If you are an individual who is interested in the support and advancement of the arts in New Brunswick or represent a corporation or association that is interested in the support and advancement of the arts in New Brunswick, then sign up now for a Friend of the Arts Membership.
Members of ArtsLink NB are required to comply with the Code of Conduct. By becoming member, you are confirming your commitment to uphold these terms.
Have more questions? We can help! Reach out to Jeri via email at
Join today
ArtsLink NB unifies New Brunswick’s arts and culture sector and fosters the sector’s contributions to a dynamic and prosperous province.
Our Vision: The arts are vital to all New Brunswickers.
ArtsLink NB
228 Germain Street
Saint John, New Brunswick
E2L 2G4
Phone: (506) 646-1832