We have two catalogs: one for our physical library (books and equipment) and one for our digital library (ebooks and audiobooks).
To have an account created for one or both catalogs, email jeri@artslinknb.com. You must be a member to use our library.
Our physical library catalog is hosted through Tinycat. You can use Tinycat to search, check out, and reserve physical books and equipment. However, Tinycat doesn’t give you the ability to browse what we have, so we also have linked our LibraryThing catalog.
To use Tinycat, you can search for a keyword, or the name of a book you found in our LibraryThing catalog, and easily check it out if you have a patron account.
Our digital library catalog is accessible through Libby. We have a number of ebooks and audiobooks for you to explore. If you’re looking for something specific and we don’t have it, email info@artslinknb.com to request it. We might be able to add it to our library.
Here’s a quick video on how to use Libby:
If you would like step-by-step guide to how to use our library, a course is available at the Foundry with instructor Jessica Dunphy. Find it at the button below:
Our physical office is located in Saint John, so when you check out a physical item, you must be able to pick it up in person. We can sometimes make arrangements to have something delivered to other parts of the province, but it is not guaranteed. Once we get your reservation, we will email you to schedule a time to pick up your items.
Happy browsing!