Picture of a basket. Text reads, Basket Weaving with Ralph Simpson.

Basket Weaving 🧺

June 4, 2022 @ 9:30 am 4:30 pm

Saturday, June 4, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm. At Sunbury Shores Arts and Nature Centre.

Registration Deadline: May 20, 2022. $150.00

Beginner / Youth (12+) / Adult

Picture of a basket. Text reads, Basket Weaving with Ralph Simpson.

Create a beautiful basket with Ralph Simpson, one of New Brunswick’s top fibre weavers, using natural plant fibres – Soft rush, sedges, grasses, leaves etc.  A great day of fun for family and friends!

This one day workshop will be an opportunity for beginner and intermediate basket weavers to explore the use of plant fibre in the construction of a small basket. You will learn about foraging for plant fibres like common rush, iris blades, and lily leaves. Ralph will be demonstrating methods of processing and storing the material, as well as several weaving techniques to help you complete your basket in a day. 

All materials are supplied, but you are encouraged to bring your own fibres – wool, fabric, ribbon etc. to incorporate and personalize your own creation.  

Materials Required by Students: Optional – Bring materials from home to personalise your basket!

About the Instructor: 

Ralph Simpson is an artist working in basketry and sculptural plant-fibre weaving, with a background in forest biology. He is developing techniques and researching plant materials for use in his art. Materials include wood fibre (ash, birch, maple, spruce, cedar, willow), tree bark (cedar, birch, willow, ash, poplar, maple ), grasses, garden plants (iris, day lily, Dracena sp.), handmade paper, and natural threads (cotton, linen, wool) – for the most part, collected in local fields, marshes, and forests, adhering to harvest principles based on environmental integrity and sustainability.

Ralph has studied basic traditional weaving techniques in Canada, USA, Spain, and Poland. Sensitive to issues of appropriation, he is interested discovering new materials to develop his artistic style. His innate connection with the natural world, field, forest, and wetland is expressed in his work, combining traditional weaving techniques with innovative materials to create a contemporary art form.

He has featured in numerous exhibitions and has been one of our Beaverbrook Canadian Foundation Artists in Residence in 2020.

Register here.

Picture of felted red flower. Text reads, Flowers, wet felting.

Wet Felted Flowers 🌸

May 18, 2022 @ 6:30 pm 8:00 pm


Instructed by Lorna McMaster. At Sunbury Shores Arts and Nature Centre.

Wednesday, May 18, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm. $50

Picture of felted red flower. Text reads, Flowers, wet felting.

Beginner / Adult / Youth 14+

Discover the art of wet felting while you create beautiful flowers, just in time for summer!  We will start with simple techniques for making a three-dimensional form that will then be built on to create a flower, followed by a more complicated flower. Participants will receive enough materials to take home and create an additional flower on their own to reinforce the skills learned during the workshop.  All tools and materials will be included.

SSANC Membership discounts apply (please call (506) 529-3386 to register with your discount. Bursaries are available – click here to apply

About the Instructor: Lorna McMaster is a retired shepherd and fibre artist with over 30 years of experience in the medium. Her patterns and workshops have helped thousands of people to discover the magic of needle felting.

Register here.

Katrina Slade, Empowered Art Journaling.

Empowered Art Journaling 📒

May 15, 2022 @ 9:00 am May 16, 2022 @ 4:00 pm

Instructed by Katrina Slade. Saturday and Sunday, May 14 – 15, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. $175.

At Sunbury Shores Arts and Nature Centre. Register here.

Beginners / Youth (14+) / Adult

Katrina Slade, Empowered Art Journaling.

In this workshop, you will learn creative art journaling, mindfulness, and self-compassion practices designed to cultivate creativity and nurture your resiliency. Instructor Katrina Slade guides you through four lessons across two days of total creative immersion. This workshop is for you if you are interested in creative expression but need a little guidance.

Materials Required by students:

  • art journal 9×12″
  • set of watercolours
  • paint brushes
  • regular journal or notebook just for notes
  • (Acrylic craft paint will be provided, but if the attendee has some other acrylics they would like to bring, they are welcome to)

We do not charge HST. SSANC Membership discounts apply. Bursaries are available – click here to apply. 

Registration Deadline: May 6, 2022

About the Course: In this workshop, you will learn creative art journaling, mindfulness, and self-compassion practices designed to cultivate creativity and nurture your resiliency. Instructor Katrina Slade guides you through four lessons across two days of total creative immersion. Enjoy the freedom of open-ended lessons that don’t follow the traditional follow-the-leader type of outcome. This workshop is for you if you are interested in creative expression but need a little guidance, and if you are comfortable with – or curious to know more about – mindfulness, self-reflection, and self-compassion.

Learn more about this course here.

About the Instructor: Katrina Slade is a third-generation interdisciplinary visual artist with a lifelong passion for creativity. Her work is often inspired by a personal response to her environment, typically emphasizing uplifting and positive messages. Katrina’s primary medium is acrylic painting, and sometimes creates sculptural or installation work.

Katrina earned a BFA specializing in painting and drawing, followed by an MA in 2011 in her home state of Oregon. World travel has been instrumental in her artistic growth. After spending the decade of her twenties traveling and working overseas, she immigrated to Canada in 2018.

Katrina has enjoyed several solo exhibitions, as well as participated in multiple two-person and group shows in Europe and North America. Her work has been published in books, magazines, and is in private collections in various countries around the world. She currently lives and works in Fredericton, NB.

Birds needle felting. Image of felt birds.

Needle Felting Birds 🐥

May 11, 2022 @ 6:30 pm 8:30 pm

Discover the art of needle felting while you create a set of birds. We will start with simple techniques for making a three-dimensional form that will then be built on to create a simple bird, followed by a more complicated one. Participants will receive enough materials to take home and create an additional bird on their own to reinforce the skills learned during the workshop. All tools and materials will be included.

Birds needle felting. Image of felt birds.

About the Instructor: Lorna McMaster is a retired shepherd and fibre artist with over 30 years of experience in the medium. Her patterns and workshops have helped thousands of people to discover the magic of needle felting.

Wednesday, May 11 at 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Beginners / Adult / Youth 14+

SSANC Membership discounts apply (please call (506) 529 3386 to register with your discount. Bursaries are available – click here to apply

Materials are included

Registration Deadline: May 6, 2022

Imagination Workshop

Imagination Workshop 💡

April 30, 2022 @ 10:00 am 12:00 pm

Expand your imagination! April 30th, 10 am – 12 pm, join visual artist Judith Brannen for a workshop at Sunbury Shores about a central but not oft-discussed aspect of being an artist–and being a human: the imagination. Learn real techniques and practices for becoming more imaginative. This is a workshop Judith has given around the world, allowing people of all ages (artist or non-artist) to connect with their imaginations, and to learn and practice techniques for feeling more free in your imagination on a daily basis.

Imagination Workshop with Judith Brannen. Image of a lighbulb.

“For the purpose of this workshop, I want to wake up things that are in you. It is said that Nature and Books are the best paths to develop the Imagination. I think Play, Silence and the Arts are also vital to this awakening. Imagination reveals possibility, and possibility engenders hope. We are given means of finding wonder and the ability to cope. We so desperately need these abilities in these days of trouble. In this workshop, we will use poetry, visual arts exercises, music and contemplation to find a way into the Fantastic Imagination.”

About the Instructor: Judith Brannen is a visual artist living in West Chezzetcook, Nova Scotia. She is the owner and operator of Laughleton Gallery in the same township. Judith’s work has been displayed all over Canada, and she has given workshops on the creative process in Europe and North America.

We do not charge HST. SSANC Member discounts apply. Bursaries are available – click here to apply.

Youth (16+) / Adult

Registration Deadline: April 27th, 2022
