A collaboration between Galerie Sans Nom & Struts Gallery.
Deadline: Sunday, May 7 β 11:59PM ADT
Galerie Sans Nom and Struts Gallery are seeking video art submissions for the newest iteration of FRUIT LOOPS, a series 2SLGBTQIA+ videos and filmed performances exploring queerness, gender performativity and celebrating masquerade, drag, personas, and other fluid forms of identity.
Galerie Sans Nom and Struts Gallery welcome submissions from artists at any stage of their career, both completed and works in-progress will be accepted. Submitted works must be under 15 minutes long. FRUIT LOOPS III will take place in September with screenings in Moncton and Sackville, New Brunswick, and livestreamed online. In-progress works must be completed no later than August 31st, 2023.
Full details are here.