
A new community organization called CreativeSpaces-Fredericton (CSF) is encouraging Fredericton artists in need of affordable studio space to complete CSF’s online survey.

The survey is available until September 26.

The participating artists’ responses will be used to quantify their creative space needs and will assist CreativeSpaces-Fredericton’s efforts in working with arts organizations, city developers, and government in order to meet them.

The survey arises out of CSF’s knowledge that in the City of Fredericton artists are having difficulty finding affordable places to practice their art. This is due to a lack of sufficient supply of dedicated studio spaces being available in the City for artists to use, along with rising rents brought on by City growth and redevelopment making it difficult for artists to afford commercial rental spaces. Cities like Toronto, Vancouver and Burnaby have recognized the issue and are addressing it. Fredericton’s 2014 Cultural Plan identified the issue, but little progress has been made since.

Formed in June 2024, CreativeSpaces – Fredericton has as its mission working with arts organizations, governments, and city developers to foster creative enterprise initiatives which aspire to have arts and culture be an enriching and sustaining part of Fredericton’s urban planning and community development.

For further information, email: info@creativespaces-fredericton.orgÂ