
David in the Dark playing our 2017 forum reception in partnership with Silver Wave Film Festival and the NB Film Co-op, at the Charlotte Street Arts Centre.


ArtsLink NB unifies New Brunswick’s arts and culture sector and fosters the sector’s contributions to a dynamic and prosperous province.


The arts are vital to all New Brunswickers.


  • Establish a network that connects individual artists and arts organizations locally, regionally and provincially;
  • Foster public awareness of arts and culture throughout New Brunswick and promote the value of arts in society;
  • Create a community culture that acknowledges arts professionals and treats them with respect;
  • Provide guidance, resources and assistance for artists and their organizations;
  • Promote arts education;
  • Advocate for issues relating to professional artists and the arts community;
  • Facilitate growth, prosperity, and excellence โ€“ socially, economically, artistically and culturally.


Founded in 2009 to unify artists and arts organizations and promote their value, ArtsLink works hard to:

  • Explain to the government, the private sector, and the public why greater support for the arts isnโ€™t just a good idea, but a smart and necessary investment.
  • Give artists the tools and training they need to succeed in New Brunswick โ€“ and beyond.
  • Create opportunities for artists to meet with each other and with other stakeholders, to learn, share, and be inspired together.
  • Offer benefits that cater to our membersโ€™ unique needs, including a health insurance plan for artists

Here is more detail about what weโ€™ve been up to:


Great intoductory meeting with the Minister of Tourism heritage and culture, John Ames and our partners at the AAAPNB(Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du N-B)

Advocacy is of critical importance to ArtsLink and its members. We work had to ensure policy-makers understand the economic and social contributions of artists, as well as the challenges they face in living and working in New Brunswick.

We present our membersโ€™ concerns at numerous discussions at the provincial, national and international levels, including: Maine-New Brunswick Cultural Initiative Taskforce (ongoing); New Brunswick Cultural Human Resources Transition Committee (2016); New Brunswick Cultural Policy Renewal Roundtable (2012-2013); New Brunswick Cultural Industries Strategy Working Group (2013-2014); Arts Day at the Legislature (ongoing); Pre-budget consultations, attendance at provincial budget presentation (2012); The Premierโ€™s Taskforce on the Status of the Artist (ongoing); Leadersโ€™ Forum on Arts and Culture (2010); and preliminary discussions on the Premierโ€™s Committee on the Socio-Economic Status of the Artist (2010-2011).


Justin Langlois speaking at MAKING it in New Brunswick, our 2016 forum in Fredericton.

Artists need opportunities to get together, to share ideas, get inspired and meet possible collaborators and partners. ArtsLink NB events include:

Annual forum featuring exceptional speakers, performances and discussions; a great opportunity to connect with the provincial arts community, including stakeholders in government, and the private and social-profit sectors.

Workshops: Our members choose the subjects, and we hire the experts who will help them become better artists, and better business people.

AGM: Your vote matters. Share your views and guide ArtsLink NB priorities and programs at the annual general meeting.


Monthly newsletter features news, job postings, calls for submission, residency openings, and other opportunities for members to make and share their work.

Social media: Daily updates on the arts in New Brunswick and beyond, as well as member-generated event listings and news.

Website: Your go-to site for research, resources and professional development tools, as well as a personal web page for each member to share images and information about their practice, events listings, and more.


‘Cultivating our Cultural Workers: Realities of New Brunswickโ€™s arts and culture workforce’ (2019): is an update to our 2013 report, โ€˜Sustaining New Brunswickโ€™s Arts and Cultural Workforceโ€™ (2013): ArtsLink NB commissioned economic development expert David Campbell to analyze the challenges facing artists in the province. ArtsLink NB is working to implement a number of his recommendations.

‘CREATING A COMMON VISION: Issues and recommendations for K-12 arts education in New Brunswick’ (2019), is a comprehensive review of the current state of K-12 arts education in the province. Recommendations presented in ArtsLink NBโ€™s report are meticulously crafted based on feedback gathered by surveying educators, parents, and the general public on the current state of arts education in New Brunswick schools, and were recommended founded on their realistic viability. This report is intended to contribute to a broader province-wide dialogue on enhancing arts education in the K-12 system.

‘Renewed Global Strategy for the Integration of Arts and Culture into Acadian Society in New Brunswick'(2018) is the translation of the renewal of โ€˜A Global Strategy for the Integration of Arts and Cultureโ€™ (2011), this is the defining document of our francophone partners at the Association des artist.e.s acadien.ne.s du Nouveau-Brunswick, and a comprehensive roadmap to incorporating the arts and culture into society.

ArtsLink NB membersโ€™ survey (2011, 2015, 2019): A wide, deep inquiry into what ArtsLink NB members want and need.


Collaboration is key, and ArtsLink NB is actively working with other organizations in the arts and beyond to share ideas, and develop new opportunities for our members. Hereโ€™s a glance at some of the many organizations and institutions with whom weโ€™ve collaborated, consulted or otherwise partnered with recently:

Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation; AAAPNB; artsnb; Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture;Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour; Enterprise Saint John; ACOA;Pond-Deshpande Centre at UNB; CARFAC Maritimes; Music NB; Cultural Human Resources Council; Canada Council for the Arts; Alberta Culture; NB Film Coop; NB Visual Educators Association; New Brunswick Youth Orchestra; Mount Allison University; University of New Brunswick Saint John; Canadian Folk Music Awards; New Brunswick College of Craft and Design; Government House; Stewart-McKelvey; Charlotte Street Arts Centre, Saint John Arts Centre; NB Foundation for the Arts, Enterprise Greater Moncton; Goose Lane Editions; Acre Architects; The Tides Institute & Museum of Art; Maine Arts Commission; InterAction School of Performing Arts โ€ฆ. and more.